Nevarr ov Talion Character in Chronicles of Unsu | World Anvil
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Nevarr ov Talion

Nevarr ov Talion (a.k.a. Half Breed)

Nevarr has been through a lot over her life. Losing her parents when she was only six and being sent away by me after she ran into a spot of trouble with a powerful family in Debara. Over the course of my travels, I only heard good thing about her life in Ol Raxia. Sadly that changed recently when I learned that she been banished for her hand in the Ol Raxia Incident. Now I must take care of her even if she hates me for my past actions. It is the only way to pay my debt to her parents. -Ace Cardia
  Nevarr is the half breed of the Talion family. She is the daughter of Kwahza ov Talion a proud Deminor warrior who fell in love with Katrina Zavian a powerful Elementalist. It is through their love that they had Nevarr. Though sadly with them dead she has only struggled because of that union leaving her a freak among the races.   An ex shaman apprentice that has been banished with her magic sealed. She must now find her own path in a world of outlaws and gunslingers. Especially when she has a bounty on her head.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She is physically strong and agile from her training back in Ol raxia mixed with her Deminor blood. She has great vision even if she only has one eye that actually works.

Body Features

A brown skin tone with a few scars along her body. She has short black hair that was cut as a sign of her dishonor. She also has long nails that are slightly sharper than a human. Her Teeth are also slightly sharper than a human. She well-toned as she has trained as a warrior.

Facial Features

She has brown smooth skin on her face. She has a few jagged scars around her right eye similar to the shattering of a mirror. She has large lips and a decently large nose.

Identifying Characteristics

She has a Tattoo of a Raven on her back as a representation of her primal spirit. Thanks to the essence seal that was placed on her its looks as if its covered in chains. She also has a banishment seal on her left palm similar to an X.

Physical quirks

She is skilled at using both hands when it comes to weapons. Though her magically dominate hand is her left hand. She has a tendency to walk lightly as if she's on the hunt.

Special abilities

She use to be able to strengthen her physical ability with the use of essence. She was also capable of creating astral constructs mimicking aspects of her primal spirit the Raven. She also has limiting shifting abilities that allowed her to shift the sharpness of teeth and nails. She also recent found that she had access to a cursed power capable of opening gateways.

Apparel & Accessories

She is currently in Prison rags that she had to wear during her time before officially being banished.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nevarr has suffered much over the years. At the age of seven she lost her family and parts of her memory to a horrible incident. She then ended up killing a man in the city of Debara in order to protect a friend. Ending up sent to the middle of nowhere to learn of her father's heritage after she became a problem for her god father.   Once there she learned the meaning of survival of the fitest. Through hard work she earned her place in the village and eventually became the apprentice of the great shaman Dhaigham. Though it was thanks to the support of Mingan and his father Maheegan looking out for her.


She has an interest in men, mainly her friend Mingan whos she had trained with for over ten years. Outside of him she has mostly kept to herself.


She was trained at a young age how to survive and has grown to become a great hunter. She was also taught by Maheegan about combat and has proven herself in many spars against his son Mingan. She has begun training under Dhaigham in the skills necessary to becoming a shaman.


Ex Apprentice shaman and Hunter

Accomplishments & Achievements

Honorable Hunter of the village. Apprentice to Dhaigham the great shaman of Ol Raxia.

Failures & Embarrassments

The murder of a man in Debara when she was a child. Blamed for the Ol Raxia incident that lead to the death of a great shaman.

Mental Trauma

She is hesitant to kill anyone even as she has vowed to hunt down the man who destroyed her life.

Intellectual Characteristics

She is able to talk to spirits and has learned some of the ancient scripts. She is good at problem-solving and figuring out what is going on around her. She has also been good at figuring Ancient technology, probably connected to her child hood traveling with her parents on their adventures.

Morality & Philosophy

She hates killing even as she enjoys hunting. She feels all things serve a purpose and one should only take life to fill the need for survival. She also believes that the village comes before herself. That one must be willing to sacrifice themselves for the greater good.


Calling her half breed makes her angry. She also goes out of her way to not offend the spirits or cause to much harm to nature.

Personality Characteristics


Her motivation is to find a way to right the wrong she caused for the village, thanks to her cursed power. She also desires to save the man she loved from being trapped in a hostile realm. Even if she must deal with a mysterious figure to accomplish both.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Is good at tracking, manipulation of the essence and good at making medicines. She sucks at shifting is not as good in battle because of a lack of experience with life and death fights. She is also isn't good with non-magical based technology.

Likes & Dislikes

She likes nature and has issues with civilization after living in the valley for ten years.

Virtues & Personality perks

She is a skilled hunter, knowledgeable in essence and spirits. She has a strong physical form capable of outpacing most humans. Can strategies when necessary and can be friendly when she wants to.

Vices & Personality flaws

She is not as strong as most Deminor and depends heavily on the use of essence to equal their strength. She can be headstrong a little too much as she is ruled by the emotion of anger. One of her vices is a need to be alone at times as she fears connections after so many betrayals.

Personality Quirks

She is not as strong as most Deminor and depends heavily on the use of essence to equal their strength. She can be headstrong a little too much as she is ruled by the emotion of anger. One of her vices is a need to be alone at times as she fears connections after so many betrayals.


She does her best to take care of herself but doesn't do so well for the places she lives in. This is mostly because she finds herself too exhausted to keep her place clean after training so hard.


Religious Views

She believes in the balance of spirits and follows the path of embracing nature and one's place within it. Though she may be lost after losing so much her view on the balance has allowed her to continue on.
Year of Birth
340 AF 17 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
She was born the child of two races.
One brown eye and a faded and damaged right eye.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Brown skin
Known Languages
Common, Spirit, and Ancient

Cover image: Nevarr's Head Render by MIchael Blue


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