Draxi Material in Chronicles of Unsu | World Anvil
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Draxi or Dragon Iron is a common ore used in the creation of weapons or tools capable of conducting magic. This ore is used heavily by the presari empire which has a couple of large deposits in their lands. This has allowed the empire a great advantage over the beast clans and why the empire is more industrialized than the alliance who depend on the wood from zidsan trees for their magical weaponry.   I can still recall the smell of smelted Draxi that would drift from the factories near the rundown building we were using to sleep in. There was a power to that smell. Something about it made me feel like I could do anything, as long as I believed I could. I wonder if it really true. I did learn how to use a gun near one such factory, and now I'm one of the best gunslingers around. - Ace Cardia


Material Characteristics

A metal that looks similar to iron until exposed to elemental charged essence. This causes the ore to shift in color representing the element or the coloring of the energy being applied to it.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Cool to the touch naturally and kind of calming when held by someone. Able to imprint on the user when constantly used by an individual.


It is believed that Volzian steel is created from bonding something or infusing some unknown material to Draxi. Though for now no one knows the truth.

Geology & Geography

Draxi can be found deep in the ground or in mountains that have a high concentration of essence glowing through them. Some believe it is iron that has changed from their exposure to essence from the ley lines. Others believe it comes from the magic of the dragons that once ruled the world before the ancients.
A firery smell that excites the senses.

Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue


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