Blood Axe Character in Chronicles of Unsu | World Anvil
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Blood Axe

(a.k.a. Blood Axe)

Blood Axe is a fenrian merc who has been making a name for himself in recent years. Many don't know his real name and he ain't telling. Those who met him say his voice is rather husky and rough and that his grey-furred body is littered in scars from constant battles. He is most known for his ax which is made from Volzian Red Steel. Thus making him a threat even to powerful essence users.   I have yet to face him myself. Though I feel a good bullet between his head would do fine work. -Ace Cardia
  Blood ax has proven himself as a powerful warrior and has survived many jobs even with some of his partners ending up dead. Rumor has it he had a hand in a big train heist where he fought against a holy knight and a inquisitor.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Blood Ax came to the edge running from his past and hoping to forge a new future. With his ax in hand and his strong body, he took on jobs as a merc. Working on many different teams he ended up doing battle with a maulin named red mist over the years. Recently he has teamed up with her and some humans too much success.
Light Blue
He's fur covered.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
He has fur all over his body that is grey.
320 lb

Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue
Character Portrait image: Blood Axe by Michael Blue


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