Mount Agadir Geographic Location in Chronicles of Hysal | World Anvil
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Mount Agadir

Mount Agadir is the highest peak of the Dorroman mountains and of the entire continent of Arros., standing at 6732 metres tall. It is situated in the Dorroman Mountains in Northern Arros.


The mountain is situated on the northern half of the range, and rises to a height of 6756 metres.


The mountain is believed to be sacred by the followers of Choranism. Lars Choran, the first wielder to visit the Ether and subsequent founder of Choranism, is believed to have been last seen heading up the mountain, via the southern slop by the Gsal valley, in Paxolia. Since the story became widespread, pilgrimage to the mountain became a tradition of all followers of Choranism. A temple was built half way up the mountain and serves as the final destination for many pilgrims.


The Temple of Choran is the main draw to the mountain. It is believed that to reach attunement, one must seek one of the temples built high up in the mountains all over the world to get closer to the Ether. The followers of Choranism dont have many choices of temple, as only 5 of them exist in the known world. The temple of Choran is the oldest and closest to most followers. As a result it is by far the most popular. Thousands of people reach the temple every year, seeking attunement with the Ether. Few ever get it.
Alternative Name(s)
The Holiest of Mountain
Mountain / Hill
Location under


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