Session 4 – The Lost City – Brothers of Gorm Report in Chronala | World Anvil
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Session 4 – The Lost City – Brothers of Gorm

General Summary

Waking from much needed sleep, Gunkyn and Sylbella begin exploring more of the second tier of the pyramid but allow Feebs to continue to rest.


Making their way to a previously unexplored hallway, the first encounter a room with a pair of giant lizards, which the eliminate somewhat easily. One of the lizards had been feeding on a human body wearing a mask. The mask itself resembles some kind of birdlike creature which even Sylbella does not fully recognize with her archeological background. They take the mask anyway as its gold-inlay makes it potentially worth some money.


Further on they find a statue which appears to be a smaller version of the bearded man wielding a lightning bolt they saw on top of the pyramid. Entering the door adjacent to the statue, the find themselves face-to-face with a group of human men all wearing steel helmets, and each one’s face is by a golden mask. All their masks are the same. They show a long-haired, bearded man with a stern gaze. They also each wear chainmail over a blue tunic. The tallest and eldest of them introduces himself as Kanadius, the Grand Master of the Brotherhood of Gorm.


Naturally they are cautious as it is very obvious they are not accustomed to visitors, particularly ones that are not from what they call Cynidecea. Thankfully Gunkyn is able to convince them that they mean no harm and shares the tale of how the came to find they pyramid (leaving out the parts about why they were traveling across the dessert to begin with).


Sylbella and Gunkyn spend a few hours speaking with the Kanadius and the other worshippers of Gorm. They more they share of their deity, the more Sylbella realizes that they are describing almost perfectly the god Kord she’s just not sure if they are using an ancient and long lost name for him or simply bastardizing the pronunciation. It’s very clear though that these people have lived for generations not even realizing there is a world outside of their pyramid and the city they call Cynidecea.


During the conversation, which includes a hearty meal of stew with bread an honey Kanadius also describes two rival factions to be on the lookout for – Magi of Usamigaras and the Warrior Maidens of Madarua. During those descriptions the symbolism for them matches the gods Sehanine and Melura respectively but Sylbella does not mention this to Kanadius. Kanadius also mentions other Cynideceans and that they all wear masks of some kind. Something that both Gunkyn and Sylbella both notice is how pale their skin is and their hair is white – likely from having lived their whole lives underground.


They also realize that the honey the Brotherhood eats is from the killer bees they encountered earlier and in fact they admit to keeping the killer bees for both their honey and as guards to their valuables as only a Brother of Gorm can enter their area without being attacked.


Kanadius bids the two best of luck and provides some dry rations and water to take back to Feebs and to sustain them for a couple of days. He regrets that them not being fighters means he cannot invite them to join their faction but advises them that they will not be harmed by any members of the Brotherhood of Gorm as he will spread the word of them visiting and touring the ziggurat.


Thanking him for his hospitality they two almost immediately begin devising a plan to get to the treasure trove guarded by the bees now that they know of the Brotherhood’s existence.


After leaving the brothers they back track to the stairwell that leads down to the third tier and enter a room full of giant oil beetles that attempting to break into a cache of crates and casks. Dispatching the beetles, the find that the crates are full of dry foodstuffs and the casks are full of wine.


Having spent so much time with the Brotherhood of Gorm and bearing wounds from fighting the lizards and now these beetles, the choose to make this room their next place of rest.

Rewards Granted

Starting Level: 3 Ending Level: 3 (XP Earned: 266)

Character(s) interacted with

Kanadius, Grand Master of the Brotherhood of Gorm

Brotherhood of Gorm (Faction)

Related Reports

Report Date
18 Mar 2023
Related Characters
In Game Date(s): 1500 CE 13th of Horisal (1500-13-1)


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