Session 12 – The Lost City – Snakes & Gargoyles Report in Chronala | World Anvil
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Session 12 – The Lost City – Snakes & Gargoyles

General Summary

After dealing with the shrews and finding nothing of value the team takes a short rest before continuing to follow the map fragment that led them to this corner of the pyramid’s fourth tier.


They immediately come face to face with three Magi of Usamigaras who of course attach “the heretics” on site. The battle is quick, and the group moves on finding that the X on the map is a trap door with an iron ladder leading down to the fifth tier.


On tier five they encounter a suite of rooms that may have once belonged to a high priest of Usamigaras – the robe of whom appears to hold some sort of death magic, so they avoid touching it any further when Gunkyn feels strange after handling it briefly.


In an antechamber, they locate a locked chest guarded by a creature known as a polymar which is a shapeshifter that was disguised as a tapestry that fell upon Feebs while he was inspecting the chest for traps. Dealing with the creature proves to be worth the risk as they find a sizeable treasure in the chest of 3000 electrum pieces, 5000 gold pieces, a potion of invisibility, magical leather armor, and a magic dagger.


Moving south, they enter a dining hall and kitchen where a pair of giant constrictor snakes with a dead Cynidicean. Using the door between the rooms as a sort of cover, they easily defeat the snakes, choosing to cut up their carcasses for meat. Searching the dead Cynidicean’s body finds a necklace worth 700 gold pieces as well as a full water bottle and a small pouch of food.


The next room features a pair of suspicious iron statues on either side of the door. Detecting that they put of a magical aura associated with animating contructs. Not sure exactly what triggers them, but also noting that the door is weighted and closes on its own, they use one of the dead snakes to prop it open before walking through the room to the next door. Luckily, if the statues were meant to come to life, they do not and they continue into a hallway that takes them to another large sitting room. This time, however, the statues turn out to be gargoyles which attack immediately once the group enters the room.


The gargoyles somehow prove to be less of a threat than thought and after defeating them, the team decides to take a long rest here.

Rewards Granted

Starting Level: 4 Ending Level: 4 (XP Earned: 650)
Report Date
10 Nov 2023
Primary Location
Related Characters
In Game Date: 1500 CE 17th of Horisal, Miresen (1st day of the week)


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