Wildcard Skills in Choradesa | World Anvil

Wildcard Skills

Wildcard Skill Level Character Point Cost Wildcard Points Bonus Half-Bonus
Attribute -3 3 0 0 0
Attribute -2 6 0 0 0
Attribute -1 12 1 0 0
Attribute +0 24 2 0 0
Attribute +1 36 3 1 1
Attribute +2 48 4 2 1
Attribute +3 60 5 3 2
Attribute +4 72 6 4 2
Additional +1 +12 +1 +1 +1/2 (Round Up)


Buying Effect: When rolling for Damage or Fright Checks from your Terror attack, you may spend points to max out 2 dice. If damage has a multiplier, apply that multiplier to point cost as well (1 point/2 die).
Miraculous Recoveries: Gain an Extra Life (25 points)
Opt-In Options:
Perking Things up:
Upgrading Margins:
Bullet Time: Can be used at any time to get a free turn (3 points)
Divine Intervention:
Favors in Play: Points for Energy: Trading Points for Money:   Flesh Wounds  

Cultural Combat

Each culture has a set of weapons they train for regularly. This lets you use all of the equipment that uses the same skills as the weapons the culture regularly trains with. However the specific weapons listed gain an ST bonus equal to the Wildcard Bonus in the table above when wielding these weapons (this helps with damage and minimum required ST to handle). This bonus does not stack with any Weapon Master or Unarmed Skill bonuses

Aprayan Fighter!
Aprayans are focused on mastering themselves to master the battlefield. Their weapons can be difficult to use and sometimes difficult to comprehend. A fully actuallized Aprayan fighter can be an amazing thing to watch in battle.
DX Skills
  1. Broadsword: Katana
  2. Jitte/Sai: Jutte, Sai
  3. Knife: Deer Antlers
  4. Kusari: Chain Whip, Kusari, Kusarigama
  5. Main-Gouche: Sai, Deer Antlers
  6. Polearm: Naginata, Lajatang
  7. Staff: Quarterstaff, Qian Kin Ri Yue Dao, Sodegarami
  8. Two-Handed Sword: Katana, Naginata
  9. Whip: Urumi
  10. Bow: Regular Bow, Long Bow
  11. Sling: Sling, Heavy Sling

IQ Skills
  1. Armoury (Apraya Weapons)
  2. Connoisseur (Apraya Weapons)
  3. Hidden Lore (Apraya Weapons)
  4. Literature (Apraya Weapons)

  1. Acrobatic Stand
  2. Counterattack
  3. Dual-Weapon Attack
  4. Disarming
  5. Entangle
  6. Grand Disarm
  7. Hook
  8. Horse Archery
  9. Off-Hand Weapon Training (Araya Weapons)
  10. Return Strike

Thaellan Fighter!
Thaellans are quick and clever. They prefer to jump in with some kind of blade and/or pistol, do what they need to do, then jump out. If they can't outmaneuver or outwit their opponent, they will usually opt to rush the target with as many people as they can while they give supporting fire from a range.
DX Skills
  1. Axe/Mace: Hatchet, Throwing Axe
  2. Main-Gouche: Main-Gauche
  3. Rapier: Rapier, Light Rapier
  4. Shortsword: Cutlass, Falchion
  5. Spear: Spear, Javelin, Trident
  6. Whip: Whip, Light Whip
  7. Guns: Dragoon Pistol, Breechloading Carbine, Blunderbuss
  8. Shield: Light Shield (Buckler)

IQ Skills
  1. Armoury (Thaellan Weapons)
  2. Connoisseur (Thaellan Weapons)
  3. Hidden Lore (Thaellan Weapons)
  4. Literature (Thaellan Weapons)

  1. Counterattack
  2. Dual-Weapon Attack
  3. Entangle
  4. Off-Hand Weapon Training (Thaellan Weapons)

Steana Fighter!
Steana combatants are as straightforward and blunt, just like their weapons. They don't usually mess around with anything too fancy or too big. Simplicity is the key.
DX Skills
  1. Axe/Mace: Mace, Knobbed Club
  2. Broadsword: Bastard Sword
  3. Lance: Lance
  4. Knife: Dagger
  5. Shield: Medium Shield, Large Shield
  6. Shortsword: Shortsword
  7. Two-Handed Axe/Mace: Mace, Warhammer
  8. Two-Handed Sword: Bastard Sword, Greatsword
  9. Flail: Morningstar
  10. Two-Handed Flail: Flail
  11. Bow: Short Bow, Regular Bow
  12. Crossbow: Crossbow, Hunting Crossbow

IQ Skills
  1. Armoury (Steana Weapons)
  2. Connoisseur (Steana Weapons)
  3. Hidden Lore (Steana Weapons)
  4. Literature (Steana Weapons)
  5. Any Blustering attempts when using Steana Weapons (Use Will instead of IQ)

  1. Counterattack
  2. Flying Lunge
  3. Horse Archery
  4. Return Strike
  5. Sweep
  6. Off-Hand Weapon Training (Steana Weapons)
  7. Whirlwind Attack

Nuessocian Fighter!
Nuessocian combatants are brutal and strong. Their goal is to get through heavy armor and hide as well as shooting key targets out of the sky.
DX Skills
  1. Axe/Mace: Axe, Throwing Axe
  2. Broadsword: Pata
  3. Brawling: Cestus
  4. Knife: Katar
  5. Polearm: Horse-Cutter, Pollaxe
  6. Shield: Small Shield, Medium Shield
  7. Spear: Spear, Heavy Spear
  8. Two-Handed Axe/Mace: Axe, Great Axe
  9. Bow: Long Bow, Reflex Bow
  10. Crossbow: Crossbow, Repeating Crossbow, Military Crossbow
  11. Spear Thrower: Atlatl

IQ Skills
  1. Armoury (Nuessocian Weapons)
  2. Connoisseur (Nuessocian Weapons)
  3. Hidden Lore (Nuessocian Weapons)
  4. Literature (Nuessocian Weapons)
  5. Any Blustering attempts when using Nuessocian Weapons (Use Will instead of IQ)

  1. Dual-Weapon Attack
  2. Flying Lunge
  3. Horse Archery
  4. Sweep
  5. Off-Hand Weapon Training (Nuessocian Weapons)

Qescur Fighter!
Qescur combatants favor fast and fancy fighting. They prefer weapons that are light and versitile.
DX Skills
  1. Broadsword: Hook Sword, Falchion
  2. Knife: Stilletto
  3. Main-Gouche: Main-Gauche
  4. Polearm: Halberd, Dueling Halberd
  5. Rapier: Rapier, Light Rapier
  6. Shield (Buckler): Light Shield, Small Shield
  7. Shortsword: Cutlass, Falchion
  8. Whip: Whip, Light Whip
  9. Cloak: Light Cloak
  10. Crossbow: Crossbow, Double Crossbow, Repeating Crossbow
  11. Guns (Pistol): Dragoon Pistol
  12. Guns (Rifle): Breachloading Carbine

IQ Skills
  1. Armoury (Qescur Weapons)
  2. Connoisseur (Qescur Weapons)
  3. Hidden Lore (Qescur Weapons)
  4. Literature (Qescur Weapons)

  1. Counterattack
  2. Disarming
  3. Entangle
  4. Hook
  5. Sweep
  6. Off-Hand Weapon Training (Qescur Weapons)


IQ Architecture Artist Camouflage Carpentry Cartography Connoisseur (Artistic) Jeweler BONUS: reaction rolls when viewing your art?  
IQ Carpentry Traps (Not for spotting) Armoury (All) Explosives Smith WILDCARD POINTS: buying success  
IQ Religious Ritual (Primals) Theology (Primals) Animal Handling (Any) Disguise (Animals) Herb Lore Naturalist Veterinary Weather Sense Per Esoteric Medicine (Primal) Survival (Any) BONUS: Reaction rolls from animals and ER for spells/Divine Powers  
IQ Animal Handling (Any) Camouflage Falconry Mimicry (Animal Sounds and Bird Calls) Naturalist Navigation (Land) Traps (Wilderness) Weather Sense DX Riding Stealth (Wilderness) Per Survival (Any) Tracking Observation (Wilderness) BONUS: Resisting Natural Hardships HALF BONUS: Applied to Active defenses vs Natural Creatures  
Imbuement (Skill)!
A single Imbuement ability for use with any weapon. Still requires the appropriate Incantation Gift level to use. WILDCARD POINTS: you can spend these points as an Energy Reserve for that Imbuement Skill only  
Imbuement (Weapon)!*
All Imbuement abilities for use with one weapon skill. Still requires the appropriate Incantation Gift level to use. NO BONUS  
Ritual Magic Path of Arcanum Path of Augury Path of Cosmology Path of Elementalism Path of Mesmerism Path of Necromancy Path of Protection Path of Transfiguration NO BONUS  
Preparation Incantor!
Alchemy Professional Skill (Dungeon Butcher) Symbol Drawing Enchant Ritual Magic WILDCARD POINTS: buying success  
IQ First Aid Diagnosis Poisons Surgery Psychology Naturalist (to know what toxin or venom is afflicting someone) BONUS: to HP restored by First Aid  
IQ Religious Ritual (Celestials) Theology (Celestials) Hidden Lore (Celestials) Public Speaking Will Exorcism Meditation Per Esoteric Medicine (Celestial) BONUS: requesting divine aid HALF BONUS: ER for spells/Divine Powers  
IQ Acting Fast-Talk Musical Instrument (Any) Musical Influence Performance Poetry Public Speaking Enthrallment Skills DX Dancing Sleight of Hand HT Carousing Singing  
Anthropology Archaeology Cartography Economics Geography Heraldry History Literature Puplic Speaking Teaching Research Writing (Non-Fiction) WILDCARD POINTS: Hyper-Competency  
Per Survival (Any) Tracking Observation (when in the wilderness) IQ Camouflage Cartography Naturalist Navigation (Land) Traps (when in the wilderness) Weather Sense BONUS: Resisting Natural Hardships  
DX Acrobatics Climbing Escape Sleight of Hand Jumping Stealth Knot-Tying (for climbing lines) Throwing (For Grapnels) IQ Camouflage Lockpicking Traps (disarm only) Per Traps (detection only) WILDCARD POINTS: for buying success and player guidance (find doors left unlocked, keys left unattended, etc.)  
IQ Religious Ritual (Outsiders) Theology (Outsiders) Hidden Lore (Outsiders) Fortune-Telling (Any) Will Exorcism Per Esoteric Medicine (Celestial) HALF BONUS: ER for any spells that Outsiders may give  
IQ Diplomacy Fast-Talk Heraldry Interrogation Leadership Savoir-Faire (High Society) Psychology (for purposes of manipulation)  
Diplomacy Fast-Talk Heraldry Merchant Savoir-Faire (Merchants) Streetwise             anything that normally defaults to any of the skills in the wildcard skill will default to the wildcard skill at same level instead   techniques can be included as long as they don't buy off situational penalties like Ground Fighting or blind fighting or things that have massive penalties (or trained by a master stuff?). Techniques included cannot be increased past their normal limits (ear clap cannot go past Karate-1)   Hyper-Competence every 12 points you spend on a Wildcard skill gives you 1 Wildcard Point for that skill. These refresh every session, but don't carry over any unused points. uses for WP 1. spend 2 points to upgrade a Critical failur to a failure, 1 point to upgrade a failure to a success, or 2 points for a success to a critical success. all only when using that wildcard skill 2. if wounded while using a wildcard, you can spend a WP to reduce any damage to only 1 HP damage. for combat, this would mean you need to attempt to parry/block with something wildcardy 3. if the GM isn't making that path forward easy to spot, you may roll a wildcard skill and spend 2 WP (1 WP with a critical success) to let the player declare some evidence is there and give you a path forward (as well as type of evidence is applicable) 4. shift the margin of success by 1 point/WP. (Example: you rolled a 12, but the target was 11. you may spend a WP to shift the target to 11.) Should I "Common Pool" this?   BONUS: is always free and equal to the amount of WP a wildcard skill would normally have. BONUSes can never stack with themselves the GM, not the player, decides when the bonus applies   HALF BONUS: is when you gain BONUS points at half rate. Your HALF BONUS should be half of what you normally get as a bonus rounded up. E.g. you gain +1 for 12 and 24 points, +2 for 36 and 48 points, etc.   Applying Bonuses 1. apply to a wildcard's concept, where no skills apply (HT rolls to avoid natural hardships, IQ rolls to remember a swordsmans technique, ST roll to break out of bonds that normally cannot be Escaped, etc.) 2. a bonus to rolls using conceptually related advantages (IQ for Healing advantage, Per for Danger Sense) 3. rolls to resist skills covered by the wildcard (acting, fast-talk, holdout, stealth, HT rolls vs poisons, resistance against supernatural attacks). active defenses should only get a HALF BONUS. 4. bonus to detrimental effects when using these (will rolls to keep aim, DX rolls to avoid falling down after missing with a kick, HT rolls required for critically failed attempts at extra effort) again, active defenses should only get HALF BONUS 5. a bonus to reaction rolls made by or Influence rolls attempted on people who witness the usser's impressively broad skill. after successful wildcard skill roll that generally affects the target (repair their equipment, cure their wounds, fight off their enemies, etc.) if the group is very large, only apply HALF BONUS 6. offset against penalties for circumstances relevant to the skill. see equipment modifiers and familiarity 7. Acc bonus when aiming relevant ranged weapons. this will only give HALF BONUS max 8. ST bonus when wielding relevant muscle-powered weapons (or the mount's ST if Lanceing or allows Riding to run people down). This replaces damage bonuses from things like Karate and Brawling, but is open ended, allowing it to grow higher. 9. bonus to damage when using the wildcard to deploy poisons, traps, etc. that don't depend on user's ST. A similar bonus might apply to the first trike made after using a stealthy or tactical wildcard to set up an assassination attempt or ambush. also, a damage bonus to those that the person with the skill might have studies (Demonologist! skill might grant damage bonus against demons) 10. A comparable bonus to HP restored, if the wildcard concerns healing and not harming 11. a bonus to somebody else's roll when the wildcard directly aids others. (example: bonus to HT rolls to recover from crippling, disease, or injury treated using a medical wildcard). a leader wildcard might give a bonus to his side's rolls to hear or understand him, or their fright checks. HALF BONUS if it adds to other's rolls to act rather than to passive rolls like those in the examples(?)   Style!s -without exception. all skills in a Style are known. -if the style is light on techniques and required skills, the GM might have the wildcard incorporate whatever optional akills they believe would contribute meaningfully to feel or function. When in doubt, reread the style description (deific colleges! should be a style) -the wildcard should also inculde the prerequisite trait (trained by a master, gunslinger, etc.) for the weapons/techniques in the style only and therefore are not required. -the style should always include techniques in the style, realistic or cinematic, core or optional. Anything that can go above prerequisite amounts goes to it's maximum or +3, whichever is lower.   FAMILIARITY having even 3 points in a style that includes X weapons will remove any familiarity penalties       to be competitive, it needs to have roughly 12 or more average skills. Easy counts as 1/2 an average, a Hard skill is 2 averages, and V-Hard is 4 averages Easy/Technique = 1/2 Average = 1 Hard = 2 Very Hard = 4 make sure total is ~12-14 for competitive viability   having an exotic weapon skill with defaults (qian kun ri yue dao, and three-part staff for example) will lose their default negatives to use.   you may buy Imbuements for a wildcard skill instead of an individual weapon.   any broad techniques that are usable by multiple wildcard skills (and arent covered in the wildcard skill) may be bought for all skills in the wildcard skill slot. Example: Dual Weapon Attack (Wildcard Ninja+0) [5]   wildcard skills have no point limit. you may spend as much as you want as soon as you get it.   Wildcard Points? for every 12 points in a wildcard skill, you get a point (that refreshes every game) that you can spend on your wildcard skills only to Influence Success Rolls. (i dunno about this one)   Additional uses 1. Conditional Skills. Example: Blunt weapons should include Flail, staff, and tonfa. it might also include axe/Mace and two-handed axe/mace so long as the weapon is blunt   2. include fast-draws, blocking skills, thrown weapons, etc. Garrote (if using flexible weapons in the wildcard skill for Garroting)   3. Butt-stroke, pistol-whip, clubbing with guns, or spear for bayonets should be considered in the wildcard for that weapon.   4. Connoisseur and/or Merchant to recognize and evaluate the weapons   5. Armoury to maintain and repair the weapons (not to make the weapons)   6. Intimidation when brandishing the weapons   Wildcard skills have an increased Crit range. chose one 1. beating your roll by 10+ is always a crit. 2. for every two effective levels above 16, increase the range by 1. (17-18 gives 3-7, 19-20 gives 3-8, 21-22 gives 3-9, 23-24 gives 3-10)