The Scribe in Choradesa | World Anvil

The Scribe

Brief History:

History is a powerful tool that is frequently lost. Many lessons and stories have been lost to time. This is an absolute tragedy according to the Scribe. He has encouraged his followers to seek out knowledge and

Sanctity Levels

  • None: None Naturally
  • Low Sanctity: Outside "Claimed" land
  • Normal Sanctity: Outside "Claimed" land
  • High Sanctity: In "Claimed" land where the Scribe is the primary Celestial in their culture
  • Very High Sanctity: In a Sanctuary to the Scribe

Power Investiture

Power Investiture 1 (Acolyte): All of
  • Hidden Lore (IQ-1), Literature (IQ-2), or Symbol Drawing (IQ-2) [1]
  • 1 point in Non-Native Languages Spoken or Writen [1]
  • Vow (Horder of Knowledge) [-5] or Vow (Ransacker of Knowledge) [-10]
Power Investiture 2 (Cleric): Both
  • Hidden Lore (IQ+2), Literature (IQ+1), or Symbol Drawing (IQ+1) [8]
  • 4 points in Non-Native Languages Spoken or Writen [4]
Power Investiture 3 (Champion): All of
  • Hidden Lore (IQ+6), Literature (IQ+5), or Symbol Drawing (IQ+5) [24]
  • 8 points in Non-Native Languages Spoken or Writen [8]
  • Vow (Ransacker of Knowledge) [-10]
Power Investiture 4 (Zealot):
  • Hidden Lore (IQ+10), Literature (IQ+9), or Symbol Drawing (IQ+9) [40]
  • 12 points in Non-Native Languages Spoken or Writen [12]

Vow (Horder of Knowledge) [-5]: You will likely be traveling through a lot of ancient ruins and be sneaking through a lot of rich collector's houses. If you come across anything that seems like it could contain valuable information, you must collect it and donate it to the next Scribe Librarian you come across. This is a lesser version of Vow (Ransacker of Knowledge) and cannot be taken at the same time, but it can be upgraded into it.
Vow (Ransacker of Knowledge) [-10]: If you have heard from a reliable source that there's a source of rare information like a one-of-a-kind tome or ancient artifact, you must attempt to aquire it. This doesn't have to be through legal means, but you must attempt. You do not have to risk your life in this attempt.



  • Continual Light: Cause a light to emit from an object.
  • Minor Healing: Restore a small amount of missing Hit Points.

  • Aura *: Shows the caster an aura around the subject. This can give an idea of what kind of person they are, if they have any levels of Incantation Gift, Power Investiture, Magic Resistance, or Magic Susceptibility, whether the subject is being possessed or controlled in any way, and whether the subject is in the grip of any violent emotion.
  • Detect Magic: Determines whether any one object is magical.
  • Hawk Vision: Grants the target the ability to "zoom in" on distant objects.
  • Identify Spell: Tells you what kind of spell has just been cast and a vague idea of what kind of enchantments exist.
  • Tell Position: Tells the caster where exactly they are on a map.

  • Copy: Makes one or more copies of a single page of writing. Requires at least Accented in the written language you are attempting to copy.
  • Inscribe: Creates an inscription on any surface.
  • Mystic Mark: Place an invisible mark on a subject. This can be seen by the caster, others if the caster wishes, and those using Aura, See Secrets, Mage Sight, Detect Magic, or anything similar.
  • Scribe: Animates a pen, which writes down whatever the caster dictates for the duration of the spell.


  • Air Vision: Allows you to see clearly through smoke, fog, dust, sand, etc.
  • History: When cast, this lets the caster determine the recent past of that object, user's personality, and so on for up to a year.
  • Infravision: Gives you the ability to see objects that emit heat.
  • Mage Sense: Tells the caster whether some unseen magical item or creature is nearby.
  • Mage Sight: Detect all magical items in your field of vision.
  • Sense Life: Tells you if there is any life (not undead) in the subject area. This can be refined to specific things that are alive (plants, elves, redheads, or a named person the caster knows.

  • Borrow Language: Caster gains a language at the subject's comprehension level or Accented (whichever is less).
  • Lend Language: Subject gains a language at the caster's comprehension level or Accented (whichever is lower).
  • Truthsayer: Tells whether the subject has told any lies in the last five minutes, or whether the last thing they said was a lie.
  • Wisdom: Temporarily increases target's IQ. This does not increase the effective level of any spells, incantation, enchant, or alchemy related skills.


  • Ancient History: Gives the caster a general impression of an item's history over the last 1000 years.
  • Astral Vision: See insubstantial entities such as spirits, subjects of Ethereal Body, etc.
  • Dark Vision: The subject can see even in pitch darkness.
  • Glass Wall: See through a single wall, floor, ceiling, or other similar barrier.
  • Metal Vision: See through metal.
  • See Invisible: Allows the subject to see things that are affected by the Invisibility spell, have their own "natural" ability to become invisible, use a potion that gives them invisibility, or incantation spell to render them invisible.
  • See Secrets: Allows the caster to see any deliberately hidden items, doors, traps, etc.

  • Gift of Tongues: Give speech and understanding of any sapient creature's language.
  • Gift of Letters: Give literacy in any sapient creature's language.
  • Lend Skill: Subject gains a skill the caster has put a point into or Borrowed at (controlling attribute)+4 or increases their existing skill by 4 levels. This does not work with Incantation Skills.
  • Borrow Skill: The caster gains a skill the subject has put a point into or Borrowed at (controlling attribute)+4 or increases their skill by 4. This does not work with Incantation Skills.
  • Compel Truth: The subject becomes unable to lie.
  • Mapmaker: When cast on any kind of parchment, the spell creates a map of what the parchment's holder perceives.


  • Read Mental*: This allows you to see the mental characteristics of the target (IQ, Will, Perception, the respectives skills, Mental advantages and disadvantages etc.). This acts as a more reliable Aura spell.
  • Read Physical*: This allows you to see the physical characteristics of the target (ST, DX, HT, the respectives skills, Physical advantages and disadvantages etc.). This acts as a more reliable Aura spell.
  • Read Social*: This allows you to see the social characteristics of the target (any Allies, Enemies, Patrons, Dependents, who they travel with regularly and a basic idea of what they are capable of). This acts as a more reliable Aura spell.


These are advantages that you can buy because of your devotion to your diety.

  • All Seeing (M): 360 Degree Vision + Scribe Essence 5 [21]
    You have eyes in the back of your head...figuratively. Whenever you wish, you can just "see" out of the back of your skull. You still Parry and Block at -2, but Dodge is unmodified and sneaking up on you is almost impossible.
    Requires Power Investiture 1 (The Scribe)

  • Curator of Lost Knowledge: Higher Purpose + Scribe Essence 1 [4]
    Whenever you are attempting to find ancient or hidden knowledge, all die rolls are increased by 1. This means any skill or damage rolls to attack people attempting to stop you from uncovering the item, any Active Defenses you perform when defending against these people or creatures, any lockpicking or perception rolls to find and uncover these items, etc. are all at +1. The GM has the final say in whether a roll is affected. This does not stack with other forms of Higher Purpose.
    Requires Power Investiture 3 (The Scribe)

  • Breaking Language Barriers (M): Language Talent + Spontanious Language + Scribe Essence 5 [5]
    Languages just "click" with you. Any Languages you purchase are one level higher. This lets you buy Written Accented or Spoken Accented for 1 point each, or Written Native or Spoken Native for 2 points each. If you have any Native Languages at the time of buying this package, you may gain 1 point for each Written or Spoken language you know to spend on any other Languages. Secondly, if you have any unspent points, you may buy any language at any level you can afford at any time.
    Requires Power Investiture 1 (The Scribe)

  • Images of the Past (M): Psychometry + Scribe Essence 4 [16]
    You may touch an object and concentrate on it. If you may take a penalty for how far you are looking into the past (less than a day: no penalty, up to 10 days ago: -1, up to 100 days ago: -2, up to 3 years ago: -3, up to 30 years ago: -4, up to 300 years ago: -5, etc.). If you succeed, you gain a feeling about its history. You gain a sense of the emotions and events that were tied to the object or place. If you are walking by an object or area, the GM may make a secret IQ-4 roll to give you a "vibe" of the history the object or area has seen.
    Requires Power Investiture 2 (The Scribe)

  • Displaced Senses 1 (M): Clairsentience (Visible) + Scribe Essence 9 [36]
    You can sense things at a distance. You may spend 2 FP and choose a spot within 10 yards. You perform a Concentrate Maneuver and roll against your IQ. If you succeed, you create an illusory face that is able to sense everything as if you were standing in that position. If you cannot see the position you wish to project to, the roll is at a -5 but it is still possible. You cannot see through solid objects, but darkness penalties do not affect you. This ability is great for seeing what might be inside a locked chest. You may attempt to move the projection to another spot within 10 yards of your body with a Concentrate and an IQ roll. Spells you cast use your body, not your projection to determine range.
    Requires Power Investiture 2 (The Scribe)
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  • Displaced Senses 2 (M): Clairsentience (Increased Range: x5 + Visible) + Scribe Essence 11 [44]
    You can sense things at a distance. You may spend 2 FP and choose a spot within 50 yards. You perform a Concentrate Maneuver and roll against your IQ. If you succeed, you create an illusory face that is able to sense everything as if you were standing in that position. If you cannot see the position you wish to project to, the roll is at a -5 but it is still possible. You cannot see through solid objects, but darkness penalties do not affect you. This ability is great for seeing what might be inside a locked chest. You may attempt to move the projection to another spot within 50 yards of your body with a Concentrate and an IQ roll. Spells you cast use your body, not your projection to determine range.
    Requires Power Investiture 3 (The Scribe)
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  • Displaced Senses 3 (M): Clairsentience (Increased Range: x20 + Visible) + Scribe Essence 13 [52]
    You can sense things at a distance. You may spend 2 FP and choose a spot within 200 yards. You perform a Concentrate Maneuver and roll against your IQ. If you succeed, you create an illusory face that is able to sense everything as if you were standing in that position. If you cannot see the position you wish to project to, the roll is at a -5 but it is still possible. You cannot see through solid objects, but darkness penalties do not affect you. This ability is great for seeing what might be inside a locked chest. You may attempt to move the projection to another spot within 200 yards of your body with a Concentrate and an IQ roll. Spells you cast use your body, not your projection to determine range.
    Requires Power Investiture 4 (The Scribe)

  • Of Two Minds (M): Compartmentalized Mind + Scribe Essence 10 [40]
    You have an incredibly flexible mind. You can Concentrate multiple things at once. For every time you buy this package, you gain an extra Concentrate Manuever every turn in combat.
    Requires Power Investiture 3 (The Scribe)

  • Guidence (M): Intuition + Scribe Essence 3 [12]
    Whenever you're given a choice and no obvious leads, you may ponder on the decision. This takes a secret IQ roll by the GM (modified however the GM feels is appropriate). If the roll succeeds, you are pointed in the most optimal direction.
    Requires Power Investiture 1 (The Scribe)

  • Librarian Society (M): Illuminated + Claim to Hospitality: LIbrarian Society + Duty: Librarian Society (Quite Rare: 6 or less) + Scribe Essence 3 [15]
    You have been inducted into a secret society of Scribe followers. This organization is devoted to catagorizing and guarding secretive, lost, or dangerous knowledge. Whenever there is a Current Affairs or Hidden Lore roll required to determine if something is coincidence or conspiracy, you may roll against either that skill or IQ, whichever is higher. You are also able to percieve and communicate with librarian spirits. They may not reveal what information they have to you, but they do recognize you and treat you with a certain respect (+3 to Reaction Rolls).
    Members of this organization are able to recognize each other on sight, and they are always willing to help those that need it. If you need a place to stay in a strange city or a lead in an investigation, there is almost always someone that can help (on a roll of 14 or less after 1d-1 hours of searching) and is able to oblige. This is, of course, something you must take part in as well. If another member needs your help, you must be able to do your best to get them out of their trouble.
    Requires Power Investiture 3 (The Scribe)

Essence Disadvantages

Followers who gain Scribe Essence begin to look more like the denizens of the Scribe's Realm. They have pale and papery hair, feathers, or scales. They also have runic symbols tattooed along their body. They smell faintly of old musty books
Every 5 points of Scribe Essence gives others a +1 to a Religion roll to identify the celestial you follow. Coreligionists will react to you at +1 per 5 points of Scribe Essence (max +5) and people opposed to your religion will react to you at -1 per 5 points of Scribe Essence (max -5).
Every 10 ranks of Scribe Essence requires you to take a rank of one of the disadvantages below.

Disadvantage Description
Duty (Uncover Information)
This can only be taken 2 times
There is a lot of knowledge that's been lost to time or hidden from the world. You may be contacted by a priest of the Scribe to uncover this information. You must at least attempt to do so or lose your Power Investiture (The Scribe) levels until you do. The frequency of these jobs depends on how many times you've taken it:
  • Called upon a 9 or less
  • Called upon a 12 or less
Enemies (Collecters)
This can only be taken 2 times
A group of mercenaries that will track you down if you've got rare and valuable texts and artifacts (or they think you have them). This Disadvantage is a group of less powerful people Hunting you and your party. If you kill them, they will be replaced by another from the same organization:
  • Attacks on a 9 or less
  • Attacks on a 12 or less
This can only be taken 3 times
You have a hard time keeping yourself from investigating anything enticing:
  • Resist on a 12 or less
  • Resist on a 9 or less
  • Resist on a 6 or less
Compulsive Reading
This can only be taken 3 times
You frequently spend your spare time at the library. You must be finding new material as much as you can. This consumes your free time and can frustrate you if you cannot find a library or source of books you haven't read before. If you cannot find new material in time, you suffer from the effects of Bad Temper. You don't have to attack people, snapping insults is fine. Preferably aim your insults at their intelligence:
  • You must spend 8 hours a week reading new material
  • You must spend 12 hours a week reading new material
  • You must spend 16 hours a week reading new material
Easy to Read
This can only be taken 1 time
You may be a very fast reader, but people are fast to read you as well. You're very bad at concealing your body language. Any Empathy, Body Language, or Detect Lies rolls to detect lies is at a +4 bonus. People attempting to Quick Contest against your Acting, Fast-Talk, or Gambling skill also gain a +4 bonus.

Blessed Items

These are standard items that you might find for sale in a temple of The Scribe. They are not Enchantable however.

  • The Scribe's Holy Symbol (Basic): 5 SP ($50) 0.1lbs
  • A small talisman inscribed with a scroll and quill that is made of wood, stone, or metal. Holding this object in your hand allows you to cast spells gained from following the Scribe, but does nothing else.

  • The Scribe's Holy Symbol (Small): 25 SP ($250) 0.25lbs
  • A small talisman inscribed with a scroll and quill that increases the Sanctity Level (The Scribe) of a person holding it in their hand by 1 to a maximum of Low Sanctity. Holding this object in your hand allows you to cast spells gained from following the Scribe.

  • The Scribe's Holy Symbol (Medium): 1 EP ($1,000) 0.5lbs
  • A medium talisman inscribed with a scroll and quill that increases the Sanctity Level (The Scribe) of a person holding it in their hand by 1 to a maximum of Normal Sanctity. Holding this object in your hand allows you to cast spells gained from following the Scribe.

  • The Scribe's Holy Symbol (Large): 4 EP ($4,000) 1lb
  • A large talisman inscribed with a scroll and quill that increases the Sanctity Level (The Scribe) of a person holding it in their hand by 1 to a maximum of High Sanctity. Holding this object in your hand allows you to cast spells gained from following the Scribe.

  • The Scribe's Holy Symbol (Grand): 16 EP ($16,000) 5lbs
  • A massive talisman inscribed with a scroll and quill that increases the Sanctity Level (The Scribe) of a person holding it in their hand by 2 to a maximum of Very High Sanctity. Holding this object in your hand allows you to cast spells gained from following the Scribe.

  • Pages of Encryption: 1 SP ($10) 0.01lbs
  • A page that whatever you write on it, it will disappear and only appear to you or anyone you allow it to. Additionally, anything you write on the page, you will remember as if you had Eidetic Memory. If you've transcribed an entire manual on how to do something, you will always have a +1 to that skill without having to spend an hour reading up on it.

  • The Scribes Complete Creature Catalogue: 1 EP ($1,000) 5lb
  • A massive tome! And it seems to hold more information that the size suggests. Only someone with Power Investiture 2 (The Scribe) or higher may use this book. To anyone else, it just looks like a jumbled mess of words and illustrations. Just having this book in your possesion and being able to read it allows you to at least attempt to Identify any non-humanoid creature you come across using the appropriate skill.
    If you fail an identification roll, this book allows you to attempt another identification roll the next time you encounter a similar creature. Additionally, if you fail to identify a creature, you may spend an hour studying the book and add your Power Investiture (The Scribe) level to your next attempt to identify a similar creature in the future.
    If you have downtime, you may study this book to study any skills that can be used to identify creatures. This counts as self-taught training hours.

  • Tagged for Identification: 1 GP ($100) 0.1lbs
  • A circular sticky tag that can be placed on any target. This can be from a quick pat on the back. If in combat, it will require the target to be grappled or a Brawling roll to place on it. It can be on top of armor or clothes, but if noticed, it can be ripped off with a free hand and a Ready Maneuver. While the target has the tag on it, it counts as Identified for the purposes of all the items below. This is the only way these items can work on humanoid targets.

  • Truth Seeker: 2 SP ($200) 0.25lb
  • A letter opener that's balanced well enough to use as a Dagger and blessed by a priest of the Scribe to keep its followers safe from unatural horrors. If you have at least 1 level of Power Investiture (The Scribe), you may use this dagger's magic. If you have successfully Identified a non-humanoid entity, you may choose to use your Knife skill or the skill you used to Identify the target to hit or parry with. The dagger will not break, can affect insubstancial, and is not affected by any kind of magic beyond its own. The dagger almost guides itself against identified targets and gives you Striking ST (2xPower Investiture (The Scribe) against these targets. Each dagger is attuned to your soul and if your consciousness is somehow transferred to another body, you will still benefit from the effects of the dagger's magic.
    This only works for entities that you have successfully identified with the dagger in your possession. If you have already identified a creature before having this dagger in your possession, you may attempt an identification roll on every new creature you come across. If you fail an identification roll for any reason, this dagger allows you to attempt a new identification roll every time you come across another creature of that kind as well.

  • Guarded Knowlege: 125 SP ($1,250) 1lb
  • A large bracelet and blessed by a priest of the Scribe to keep its followers safe from unatural horrors. If you have at least 1 level of Power Investiture (The Scribe), you may use this bracer's magic. If you have successfully Identified a non-humanoid entity, you may summon a spectral shield to protect you. Once per second, this shield will automatically try to block an attack that has gotten past your Active Defenses at the current level of the skill you used to Identify the target (it blocks at Skill/2+3). This shield will not break, can defend against insubstancial attacks, and is not affected by any kind of magic beyond its own. The shield can be overpenetrated however and effectively acts as DR (1+3xPower Investiture (The Scribe)). It does not benefit from any DB you've got and it does not benefit from any All-Out Defense or spells, enchantments, or advantages that give a bonus to active defenses. Each bracelet is attuned to your soul and if your consciousness is somehow transferred to another body, you will still benefit from the effects of the bracelet's magic.
    This only works for entities that you have successfully identified with the bracelet in your possession. If you have already identified a creature before having this bracelet in your possession, you may attempt an identification roll on every new creature you come across. If you fail an identification roll for any reason, this bracelet allows you to attempt a new identification roll every time you come across another creature of that kind as well.

  • Guiding Strike: 45 GP ($4,500) 4lbs
  • A Pistol Crossbow that has blessed by a priest of the Scribe to guide its followers to slay unatural horrors. If you have at least 1 level of Power Investiture (The Scribe), you may use this crossbow's magic. If you have successfully Identified a non-humanoid entity, you may choose to use your Crossbow skill or the skill you used to Identify the target to attack your target. The crossbow will not break, you can only use normal bolts in it, its bolts can affect insubstancial, and the crossbow not affected by any kind of magic beyond its own (the bolts, however, are). If you successfully strike a target with a bolt fired from this crossbow, any allies will be able to see the silhouette of the target through any kind of obstruction for the next second. Additionally, those who can see the silhouette may also see vital points of the target highlighted, giving them twice your Power Investiture (The Scribe) level to offset any penalties for targeting specific parts of their body. You may extend the duration by taking consecutive Concentrate Maneuvers, but the moment you break concentration, you must apply the effect again. Each crossbow is attuned to your soul and if your consciousness is somehow transferred to another body, you will still benefit from the effects of the crossbow's magic.
    This only works for entities that you have successfully identified with the crossbow in your possession. If you have already identified a creature before having this crossbow in your possession, you may attempt an identification roll on every new creature you come across. If you fail an identification roll for any reason, this crossbow allows you to attempt a new identification roll every time you come across another creature of that kind as well.

  • Eye of the Slayer: 1 EP ($1,000) 0.25lb
  • A small pale jewel with a small black slit down the middle, blessed by a priest of the Scribe to keep its followers safe from unatural horrors. When a weapon is being created, you may include this jewel in its construction, and that weapon benefits from the jewel's magic (the weapon may be further enchanted normally if possible). If you have at least 3 levels of Power Investiture (The Scribe), you may use this jewel's magic. If you have successfully Identified a non-humanoid entity, you may choose to use the appropriate weapon skill or the skill you used to Identify the target to attack it or parry with. The weapon may break, but the jewel not. Any magic may affect the weapon normally, but the jewel will always remain uneffected. The weapon almost guides itself against identified targets and gives you Striking ST (3xPower Investiture (The Scribe)) against these targets. Each jewel is attuned to your soul and if your consciousness is somehow transferred to another body, you will still benefit from the effects of the jewel's magic. Additionally if your weapon breaks, you may construct a new weapon with the same jewel and it will work as though you never lost it.
    This only works for entities that you have successfully identified with the jewel in your possession. If you have already identified a creature before having this jewel in your possession, you may attempt an identification roll on every new creature you come across. If you fail an identification roll for any reason, this dagger allows you to attempt a new identification roll every time you come across another creature of that kind as well.