Elemental Fading Condition in Chimera Moon | World Anvil
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Elemental Fading

Elemental Fading is specific to the Arcanist race. This rare condition occurs when the Arcanist in question has significant strength, typically above a 9 on the Arcana Scale. The markings on an Arcanist of this strength will grow in length from the collarbone to the wrist. Once the markings reach the wrist, the Arcanist will begin Fading. The exact symptoms of Elemental Fading will vary according to which element the Arcanist can wield. As Arcanists with the major elements of wind, fire, water, and earth are more common, there are more case studies of this condition with these elements.   Wind Element Arcanists above Level 9 in strength will find that their bodies periodically become incorporeal. This may manifest as becoming translucent or even transparent. One Arcanist described the feeling as the wind blowing in your hair, but magnified. It was as if his entire body was composed of thin threads that were easily disturbed by the wind. This particular Arcanist was last seen two days after the appointment where he described the incident. It can be inferred that he Faded completely.   Fire Element Arcanists above Level 9 are the most volatile. They literally begin to spontaneously combust. Their clothes will begin to catch on fire due to the heat rising off the Arcanist’s body. Periodically, the Arcanists hair will also burst into flames, but when the fire fades, no harm seems to be exhibited to the hair or body. Fire Arcanists of this level of strength are divided into two categories of how they Fade.   The first type of Fading occurs when the Arcanist stares into flames as if mesmerized. Their body will then begin to burn, mimicking the fire licks of whatever flame they were staring into. When the flame they were mesmerized is put out, often by a well-intended loved one, the Arcanist’s body, which at this point is purely made of flame, is also snuffed out.   The second type of Fading occurs when the Arcanist spontaneously combusts in an explosive manner. In these cases, the Arcanist has usually been avoiding fires and flames in order to escape the first type of Fading. In several of the cases reported, the Arcanist retreated to a sealed and dark room in order to contain their flames. Historical theories put forth that it might be possible to “snuff” the flame before it started. Unfortunately, time after time, the explosion that occurs has rendered this theory useless.   The Water Element Arcanists are similar to the Wind Arcanists in that their body begins to lose shape and often becomes translucent. The Water Arcanists also begin to spend longer periods of time in water. They report feeling thirsty and dehydrated, despite constantly drinking water or even remaining in the bath for hours on end. Water Arcanists typically choose to reside near bodies of water in order to wield their element more efficiently. Unfortunately, this often means that when they Fade, the Arcanist has easy access to the water, where they ultimately disappear.   The Earth Element Arcanists begin to solidify. They complain of pain and stiffening. At first, the healers and medical professional treated this as early onset of arthritis, but further research proved them wrong. The Arcanists did not just have pain and inflammation, nor even calcification of the joints. Their bodies absorbed the minerals they most often wielded and began to solidify into this mineral. This varied according to their career path. For example, those who worked with clay, in the instance of tilling agricultural fields, or coal and precious gems for those who worked in the mining industry had very different minerals replacing their joints.   Eventually, the minerals spread throughout the bones of the Arcanist. Once the bones were completely remade with the minerals, the rest of the body began to follow suit. No medical professional or healer has ever been able to explain why the Arcanist continued to live as the blood vessels and lungs were transformed. The brain of the Earth Arcanists also solidify at the same time as the blood. Once the brain and the blood vessels are fully transformed, the Arcanist is considered to have fully Faded.   One family, who had successive generations of Level 9 or above Earth Arcanists, buried them in the same family tomb. They were able to report that the bodies continued to solidify. One of the earlier generations worked as a granite quarry manager. His entire body solidified into granite and somehow united with the granite of the family tomb. No one is entirely sure how this happened as the granite of the tomb was collected at a different time from the Arcanist’s death.   There have been reports of variant Elemental Fading, but they are too rare to conclude whether the results will always be similar. A variant of Earth who dealt with plants solidified into a petrified tree. Another variant who wielded ice solidified into a transparent ice sculpture and shattered when the family attempted to move them. One person reported a sighting of a Fire Variant who wielded electricity Fading by transforming into a streak of lightening and disappearing during a storm.   More research is required to fully catalogue the various symptoms of Fading for variants.   However, current research has yet to find a solution to Fading. There is no known cure. There does not seem to be a reason for why some Level 9 or above Arcanists Fade while others do not. Again, more research is required into this field. Unfortunately, most Level 9 Arcanists are integral parts of family power dynamics and are not likely to take the time to come to the research facilities.

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