Henry Weiss Character in Chicago by Night | World Anvil
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Henry Weiss

A collected, smooth, non-legitimate businessman, Henry Weiss is always ready to deal. He has perfected the gift of aping his betters, appearing older than he really is. A former gangster, once called "the only man Capone really feared," even in life Henry always had his shit together.   Those who even know of Weiss's existence know he was Embraced in 1916; some citizens who are old enough even remember when it happened.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born Hymie Wojciechowski, Henry Weiss was a member of Al Capone's crew until his death. Though they don't discuss it with outsiders, he was Embraced as one of the Giovanni experiments into new family branches. When his son and daughter came of age he faked his death and they were made ghouls. Both have since been Embraced.



It's easy to forget that Henry Weiss isn't an Elder. He carries himself well, he speaks with patience and consideration, and his long-term planning skills are without peer.
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

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