The Nekrutan Crisis Myth in Chenravo | World Anvil
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The Nekrutan Crisis

Nekrutan, always seeking ways to gain a stronger foothold in the mortal world, stole an idea from a follower lost to time. This idea, ripped from its owner was to create a race of worms that could spread a weak form of undeath that would preserve the afflicted’s body, but not mind.   But the idea was raw, unfinished. Nekrutan desperately needed help if he was going to put this idea to use. So it was that he approached Quetminook with a challenge. To see if they could work together on a hypothetical, the creation of somewhat living, unintelligent creatures that could spread undeath to any they infected.   Quetminook never wondered why this was hypothetical, or what problems the creatures would cause if unleashed. He just helped Nekrutan further his knowledge and power. The Scholar God did most of the work on the worms, and when he was done, he simply turned his focus to the next mystery or idea that interested him.   Once he could create them, Nekrutan wasted no time, ready to bring a world of undeath into existence. The worms spread like a plague across the Jungle of Gerule and the central grasslands. People grew desperate as the worms invaded village after village. As one, they cried out to the land, filling it with their desire for protection, for bounty, support, and all the other things they expected from the ground they walked on.   Just born into awareness, Chenravo saw the blight of the worms, and the lives being lost. She reached into herself, and from her base elements, she formed the first Genasi, ready to fight the forces of undeath. Then, she sank the infected land down into the ground, in an effort to contain the spread. Once she knew the ground was deep enough, she sent in her children, immune as they were to undeath, to save all the uninfected that they could, but gave them strict orders to have no mercy on any who were even partially infected.   Nekrutan, surprised and scared at the show of power that Chenravo had displayed, was already losing before he could regather his wits enough for a counterstrike. Seeing how it would be futile, he decided to save his resources and admit defeat to a goddess who had existed for less than three years . Chenravo’s quick work saved many lives, and prevented Chenravo the world from becoming an undead hellscape. Unfortunately, she earned the ire of powerful enemies nearly at her birth. Despite this, she has endured and thrived, though she is prepared for retaliation. She would prefer to avoid conflict, especially that which would harm the mortals, but she is determined to protect both herself and them. Chenravo is the land that supports, and has no intention of stopping.


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