Scyllian Ghoul Species in Charybdis & Scylla | World Anvil
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Scyllian Ghoul

Name of the Ghoul race: Scyllian Ghoul   Physical Description: The Scyllian Ghouls are humanoid creatures with gaunt, emaciated figures and ashen grey skin. Their faces are twisted and ghoulish, with hollow cheeks and deep-set, malevolent eyes. They possess elongated, razor-sharp fingernails that can tear apart flesh with ease. Their mouths are full of sharp, jagged teeth which they use to inflict excruciating bites. These ghouls move with deceptive speed and agility, often clambering across walls and ceilings to attack unsuspecting prey from unexpected angles.   Abilities and Traits: These monstrous beings have exceptional darkvision, allowing them to see in complete darkness up to 60 feet away as if it were dim light. This ability coupled with their heightened senses makes them well-adapted to stalking in the darkest corners of their domain. Scyllian Ghouls have powerful claw attacks that can rip through armor, as well as a vicious bite attack that injects a deadly contagion into their victims.   Backstory: Many stories and legends surround the Scyllian Ghouls and their origins within the dark and mysterious Lands of Scylla. Some believe them to be cursed beings, once human, who broke a sacred natural law and were forever transformed into these hungry monsters. Others attribute their creation to the cruel experiments of a long-forgotten necromancer, whose twisted magic reanimated the dead into these monstrous parodies of life.   Regardless of their origins, Scyllian Ghouls were driven by an insatiable hunger for the living, and their primary purpose was to feed upon the living in order to propagate their kind.   Their numbers were increased by the contagion they carried, known as ghoul fever. While not all ghouls were carriers, any ghoul could be willingly infected by ingesting the disease from another ghoul, thereby bringing about the potential to bolster their packs.   Ghoul Fever: Living creatures bitten by an infected Scyllian Ghoul must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or become infected with ghoul fever. After one day, the creature develops a fever, and the area around the inflicted wound becomes red and tender. As the infection progresses, the afflicted creature gains one level of exhaustion and an insatiable craving for raw flesh.   While suffering from ghoul fever, the creature finds it difficult to consume cooked food, and must overcome their revulsion with a DC 13 Constitution saving throw to keep down anything other than raw meat. Failure results in violent vomiting and a heightened sense of despair as the smell of decaying flesh becomes more and more alluring.   Habitat: Scyllian Ghouls are primarily found in the cold and desolate climes of the Lands of Scylla, lurking within dark forests, abandoned crypts, and icy caverns. They tend to establish their lairs in hidden and remote locations, far from the ever-watchful eyes of civilized society. The chilling atmosphere and scarcity of direct sunlight make the Lands of Scylla an ideal environment for these carnivorous predators.   The Scyllian Ghouls are a horrifying and relentless adversary for adventurers braving the frozen wastes of the Lands of Scylla. Their unnatural resilience, cunning hunting tactics, and insatiable hunger for the living make them a significant threat to even the most stalwart of heroes. Only those skilled in the art of monster hunting and survival should dare confront these fearsome creatures of darkness.


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