Thanist Priesthood in Chapters of the Monumidium | World Anvil
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Thanist Priesthood

The Thanist Priesthood is an order found in the far southeastern alpine regions of Irisqaad, mostly consisting of Aanutiri. The primary pursuit of Thanism is the attainment of Than, which is a state of higher consciousness that transcends the limitations of human perception.   Rather than deities, at the core of Thanism is the belief that all things are connected whether living or dead, past or future, mortal or immortal; all things are part of a whole, and all things therefore are part of a greater spirit. By cultivating a profound awareness to this interconnectedness, individuals can transcend the limitations of the self and merge with a higher consciousness, reaching the state of Than. Because Thanists fundamentally tie consciousness to language, the primary form of Thanist meditation is to sit in a quiet place and mutter constantly. The utterances can be nonsensical, a stream of consciousness, or even a conversation with the self involving one or more sides. This sort of counter-intuitive approach to Than is believed to be the only way to evolve one's consciousness further.   Ceremonies are very important in the lives of the priests and the Aanutiri who follow them. The changing of seasons has a significant impact on people living in this region, so it is embraced as a major symbol of the dynamism of Than. Four seasonal ceremonies are held each year, each representing a shift in the lives of those who must constantly adapt to changes brought about by each season. These ceremonies usually serve as a means to connect to the major landmarks of mountains, rivers, and forests, and establish a relationship of growth between people and their environment.   Thanism permeates Aanutiri culture, fostering a strong sense of community and togetherness. Festivals and ceremonies bring people together and the teachings of oneness unite all. Priests act as spiritual leaders and mediators, resolving conflicts, advising chieftains, and guiding all toward Than. Their teachings focus on finding ways to live harmoniously.


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