Munnoku Ethnicity in Chapters of the Monumidium | World Anvil
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The Munnoku are Godless who ended up inhabiting much of southern Nwechou. They are found in and around the tropical Hkoiu Empire, as far north as the Worau and Oshu clans, and as far south as the Chitu Tribes. Those within Hkoiu generally follow Imharism. They are connected with the Uchem and the Jatthirae.
  Munnoku are usually seen as extremely devoted, loyal, and self-righteous, and always seek to master that which they do in life. They regard social ladders as desirable things to climb, and are strict with traditions and rituals, often to the point of being intolerant of other religions when in places dominated by said religions. It is rumoured that the long fingers of a Munnoku make them the greatest at working with fine details, finer than any other can achieve.


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