The Selene Ethnicity in Chaos Re/Coil | World Anvil
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The Selene

The Selene are the desert dwelling inhabitants of the southern Bloodscribe Peninsula, most living in their namesake metropolis, Selene.   Also known as Selenites, this group migrated from the Wheatstar Peninsula millenia ago after taking part of the Izinglass. They are one of the only cultures that can draw a direct line to technology and history before The Ignition, although the initial settlers started with relatively little.   They are a militaristic culture known for comically large swords, and being defensive and hostile to outsiders. However, they are also known for advanced bioalchemy techniques used for healing, food, and even fuel.

Where the Izin have flower-petal-like horns, the Izin often have crystal horns resulting from proximity and frequent use of the Izinshard in bioalchemy.

Naming Traditions

Family names

Selenites frequently have crystal, gem, or mineral inspired names.


Average technological level

The Selene are technologically advanced, but from a completely different family of tehnologies from those on the main continent, as they can trace their origins to pre-ignition sciences and knowledge.

Major organizations

  • The Chimeptera, the giant sword wielding military of Selene
Encompassed species


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