Channel cities and world of ærnth Tholsol killed & Keppertahl Gholfornas appointed Master of the Isle of Stars

Tholsol killed & Keppertahl Gholfornas appointed Master of the Isle of Stars

Life, Death


Tholsol killed by bandits while traveling in the west on Isle of Stars business.

Tholsol killed by bandits while traveling in the west on Isle of Stars business. At this point Garveldis had seen problems with several of the elected staff Council members being short sighted and voting in ways that would have destroyed the Isle of Stars, so he had a magical item (a pendant made of alabaster) created that would instill in its wearer the primary goals that the Isle of Stars was founded upon. Then he chose one of the most upstanding and honest staff members who had served on the Council three separate terms, to hold a newly created position of Master on the Isle of Stars. It was written into the bylaws of the Isle of Stars that in the future, a vote of all present staff members would be held to elect a new Master on the Isle of Stars each time the previous one passed away or chose to step-down for personal or health reasons and that the person chosen would wear the Master on the Isle of Stars pendant and signet ring as a symbol of their position. Keppertahl Gholfornas was “appointed” the first Master on the Isle of Stars.