Teglaichte / Vard Orcs Species in Channel Cities and World of Ærnth | World Anvil

Teglaichte / Vard Orcs

These deformed orcs are extremely rare and are even considered outcasts amongst the brutal orcish peoples, although they do often have stations that are still useful in battle due too their additional limbs. They tend to be even more beastly than their brethren, but are to be truly feared in combat as a whorlwind of barbaric weapons. Using Rolemaster, as the name suggests, they are treated as Vard Orcs. While I am not familiar with any version of orc that fits this profile in any other RPG system, I suspect that other systems may have developed such a version and it is up to GM's using other systems to use whatever seems reasonable, if they even allow such creatures as characters in their world.   The native Language of most orcs is known as Dark Tongue. Although it is suggested that ranks in any language be limited to a low value in Rolemaster or HARP, or any other RPG system where languages are that detailed (although most RPG systems do not have this level of detail available for any type of skills, let alone languages).   More details to come as time permits...

Cover image: by Aaron Smalley


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