Secháemodh / Sibbicai Species in Channel Cities and World of Ærnth | World Anvil

Secháemodh / Sibbicai

The Secháemodh are the same as the Sibbicai that oringally appearing in Rolemaster many years ago. See Rolemaster for a more complete description. They are a hybrid humanoid-canine type of creature with heads and fur like Jackals or Foxes, and are suspected to be distantly related to the Vulfen (another race of humanoid canine-like beings, but that are more bestial and have the features and fur closer to that of Wolves).   They are native to the Sibbicai Peninsula, which very few humans have ever visited and been allowed to return to human lands from. They are very reclusive and do not tolerate outsiders. These "Dog-Men" have what is probably the most strictly organized mercenary fighting force in the known world, and their services command a very high price for those wishing to utilize them in battle. They import and export very little. The one city of theirs (that is known to exist) sits along the coast of the huge Clearwater Lake. It is a very large and fabulous looking place, although most of the sailors have never been allowed to pass through the walls and into the city away from the huge pier system.   More details to come as time permits...   Their native Language, as well as that of the Vulfen is Secháemodh.

Cover image: by Aaron Smalley


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