Whispering Wind Spell in Changing Stars | World Anvil

Whispering Wind

Whispering Wind
Cantrip transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S, F (spirit totem, spirit fetish, or spirit medicine bag)
Duration: 1 round
  In your world, where secrets drift on the breeze and the wind sings songs of ancient lore, Whispering Wind is a cantrip that channels the elusive and ever-changing nature of the air itself. This spell allows the caster to send a soft, caressing breeze that carries their words to a chosen recipient.
  As you cast Whispering Wind, you feel the air stir around you, responding to the cadence of your voice. With a gentle exhale, your message is borne aloft on a zephyr spirit, winding its way through the world to reach the ears of your intended listener. The wind, a discreet and faithful messenger, ensures your words are heard by none but the one for whom they are meant.
  Effects of Whispering Wind:   Aerial Messenger: You send a short message of up to twenty-five words to a specific creature within range. The wind ensures that only the intended recipient hears the message.
Wind's Caress: The breeze carries with it a sensation or emotion you wish to convey, be it a sense of urgency, calm, or warmth.
Ephemeral Echoes: The message, once delivered, dissipates like the wind itself, leaving no trace and ensuring the privacy of your communication.
Windswept: You may pass a small object to your target as part of the spell. You must pass a Sleight of Hand check if you do not wish it to be seen though. The object must be small enough to be able to be concealed in one hand, and appears in the targets corresponding hand or in a pocket or backpack they are carrying (caster's choice).
  Whispering Wind is a spell of connection and subtlety, a testament to the power of words carried on the breath of the earth. It is a reminder of the unseen forces that bind us, the voices of the world that speak in hushed tones for those who choose to listen.
  Classes: Bard, Druid, Ranger
Source: Custom Creation

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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