Squirrel People Species in Changing Stars | World Anvil

Squirrel People

Squirrel People, The Sanral (pronounced like the word sand without the d for first syllable, rawl for second syllable.) Small Fey Beast Humanoid
  Age. Squirrel people reach adulthood at the age of 20 and generally live until something kills them since they do not age after reaching adulthood.
  Alignment. Most squirrel people are chaotic good. As a rule, they are good-hearted and kind, even if they are a little prone to practical jokes and grudges held mostly for show. They hate to see others in pain, and have a soft-spot in their heart for protecting people from being bullied. They are also very social creatures, leaning heavily on their community’s goals and values they are always seeking to improve the lot of their family, friends, and neighbors.
  Size. Squirrel people average about 2-3 feet tall and weigh about 30-40 pounds. Your size is Small.
  Speed. Your base walking speed is 20 feet. Climb speed of 30 feet.
  Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Druidic, and Sylvan.
  Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity and Charisma scores increase by +1.
  Skill proficiencies. animal handling, stealth, and acrobatics or athletics player choice
  Fey Ancestry. Squirrel people are immune to sleep and charm like spells.
  Light Sleeper. Squirrel people don’t need nearly as much sleep as most races. They consider a short rest the same as a long rest They can take a short rest in 30 minutes. Squirrel People may benefit from a long rest once every 8 hours rather than the normal limit of once per 24 hours.
  Friend of the Forest. Squirrel People have advantage on Persuasion checks with forest spirits, intelligent forest creatures, and forest dwelling fey especially leprechauns.
  Great Leap. Squirrel people may leap from a running start of at least 10 feet and add 15 feet to their jump distance or height.
  Flying Glider. Squirrel People have flaps of skin on their outer edges that they can stretch out to act like wings they can fly short distances and glide longer distances with. As part of a squirrel people great leap they can use As part of their Great Leap, they can use a bonus action to leap into flight and fly 40 feet no higher than their jump height; this does not count against their move speed for the turn. As long as they are not incapacitated or unconscious, when falling, squirrel people can prevent themselves from taking falling damage by gliding on the air and bleeding off the downward momentum with forward momentum. They do so by making an Athletics or Acrobatics check with a DC equal to 8 + (+1/10 feet of falling damage to be reduced). On a success they take no falling damage, on a failure they take half damage.
  Agile Climber. You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours You may climb any creature that is of two size categories larger than, you ending your turn in their space if you choose, as easily as you can climb trees.
  Misty Step: Squirrel People may use the spell Misty Step without components a number of times per long rest equal to half their proficiency bonus rounded down.
  Ritual Magic. Squirrel People are connected to the spirit of nature and it grants them the ability to cast Ritual Magic as though they had the feat. They keep a ritual book and use rituals from it like any other ritual caster. Their spellcasting ability is Charisma and their save DC for their spells is 8 + Proficiency Bonus + Charisma Bonus. If the squirrel person learns a spell available from this list from another source they may add it to the ritual book but the casting time for such a spell adds an additional 5 minutes to the spell. They start with 2 ritual spells and one cantrip from the following list and gain one additional spell every 3 levels. The time to cast these ritual spells is increased by one minute for each level of the spell and for those spells that do not have the ritual tag add an additional 10 minutes to the spell’s casting time. Any spell that may be cast at a higher level may be cast at that higher level as long as the Squirrel Person has the ability to cast at that level and casts the spell for the additional time required. The list of rituals all Squirrel people know in their soul are: Cantrip: Create Bonfire, Friends, Druidcraft, Guidance, Mage Hand, Resistance, Shillelagh, Thaumaturgy 1st- Animal Friendship, Beast Bond, Ceremony, Cure Wounds, Expeditious Retreat, Faerie Fire, Find Familiar, Goodberry, Speak with Animals, 2nd-Repair, Animal Messenger, Beast Sense, Calm Emotions, Find Steed must be elk, Healing Spirit, Lesser Restoration, Locate Object, Pass Without Trace, Summon Beast 3rd-Fast Friends,Plant Growth,Speak with Plants, Summon Fey, Phantom Steed-steed must be a forest animal in appearance, 4th-Conjure Woodland Beings, Dominate Beast, Find Greater Steed - must be forest creature, Giant Insect, Stone Shape 5th- Commune with Nature, Control Winds, Transmute Rock, Tree Stride, Wrath Of Nature, Steel Wind Strike, Awaken 6th-Druid Grove, Transport via Plants 8th-Control Weather 9th-Shapechange, Storm of Vengeance To cast a spell this way a squirrel person must succeed a Performance Check of DC 10+ the level of the ritual spell and this check must be passed every 5 minutes rounded up(11-14 min cast would be 1 check, 15min cast would round up to 2 checks) while the spell is being cast.
  Attacks: Multiattack: squirrel people gain multiattack with their bite and two claw attacks this counts as the extra attack feature for those attacks. Both bite and claw attacks are natural attacks that are 1d6 for damage and are both considered light and finesse weapons. Beginning at 5th level the squirrel people may use light finesse weapons in place of the claw attacks
  Squirrel People until a better name is thought of Small Fey Beast Humanoid
  Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity and Charisma scores increase by +1.
  Age. Squirrel people reach adulthood at the age of 20 and generally live until something kills them since they do not age after reaching adulthood.
  Alignment. Most squirrel people are chaotic good. As a rule, they are good-hearted and kind, even if they are a little prone to practical jokes and grudges held mostly for show. They hate to see others in pain, and have a soft-spot in their heart for protecting people from being bullied. They are also very social creatures, leaning heavily on their community’s goals and values they are always seeking to improve the lot of their family, friends, and neighbors.
  Size. Squirrel people average about 2-3 feet tall and weigh about 30-40 pounds. Your size is Small.
  Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. Climb speed of 30 feet.
  Fey Ancestry. Squirrel people are immune to sleep and charm spells.
  Light Sleeper. Squirrel people don’t need nearly as much sleep as most races. They consider a short rest the same as a long rest, and they can take a short rest in 30 minutes. Squirrel People may benefit from a long rest once every 8 hours rather than the normal limit of once per 24 hours.
  Forest Camouflage. Squirrel people have advantage on Stealth checks in forests.
  Friend of the Forest. Squirrel people have advantage on Animal Handling checks with beasts that live in forests; and Persuasion checks with forest spirits, intelligent forest creatures, and forest dwelling fey especially leprechauns.
  Great Leap. Squirrel people may leap from a running start of at least 10 feet and add 15 feet to their jump distance or height or both as a part of their move action.
  Flying Glider. Squirrel people have flaps of skin on their outer edges that they can stretch out to act like wings they can fly short distances and glide longer distances with. With a 10 feet running start they can as a bonus action leap into flight and fly 40 feet that does not count against their move speed for the turn. As long as they are not incapacitated or unconscious, when falling, squirrel people can prevent themselves from taking falling damage by gliding on the air and bleeding off the downward momentum with forward momentum. They do so by making an Athletics or Acrobatics check with a DC equal to 8 + (+1/10 feet of falling damage to be reduced). On a success they take no falling damage, on a failure they take half damage.
  Agile Climber. You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours, and climb any creature that is of two size categories larger than yours as easily as you can climb trees. You have advantage on all Athletics and Acrobatics checks to climb or traverse uneasy and small footing areas such as tree limbs or arms or tight ropes or window ledges.
  Misty Step: Squirrel people may use the spell Misty Step without components a number of times per rest equal to their Charisma Bonus.
  Ritual Magic. Squirrel people are connected to the spirit of nature and it grants them the ability to cast Ritual Magic as though they had the feat, with an inherent understanding of the following spells as rituals. Those spells which do not have the ritual tag take additional casting time determined by multiplying the 10 minute ritual spell casting time by the spell level. Those spells that allow casting at higher levels may be cast at whatever level the ritual caster desires as long as they observe the casting time and other requirements of the ritual with the addition of +1 action casting time per increased spell casting level. They may keep a ritual book and use rituals from it like any other ritual caster. Their spellcasting ability is Charisma and their save DC for their spells is 8 + Proficiency Bonus + Charisma Bonus. Must succeed a Performance Check DC 10+ritual spell level to cast the ritual, and for spells that take multiple turns must succeed each turn. The list of rituals all Squirrel people know in their soul are: Druidcraft, Guidance, Mage Hand, Thaumaturgy, Faerie Fire, Speak with Plants, Animal Messenger, Entangle, Repair, Speak with Animals, Plant Growth, Dominate Beast, Commune with Nature, Lesser Restoration, Cure Wounds, Shapechange, Tree stride, Transportation via Plants. (Alternatively, you can if this is being played as a PC only allow them to know 1 ritual at 1st level and learn a new one at every odd level afterwards.)
  Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Druidic, and Sylvan.
  Attacks: Multiattack: Squirrel people may make one bite and one claw attack or two claw attacks in one attack action. You may replace claw attacks with melee weapon attacks. Player Characters may consider this to be the same as the Extra Attack feature and so does not stack with it if gained from another source.
  Natural Attacks. Bite and Claw are considered to be light and finesse melee weapons. Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +? to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + ?) piercing damage. Claw: Melee Weapon Attack: +? to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + ?) piercing damage.

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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