Shroud of Shadow Spell in Changing Stars | World Anvil

Shroud of Shadow

Shroud of Shadow
1st-level illusion
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (a piece of dark cloth)
Duration: 1 hour

  Shroud of Shadow is an illusion spell that enwraps the caster in a cloak of darkness, melding their form with the shadows. This spell is not just a manipulation of light but a deeper communion with the essence of shadow. It draws upon the whispers of darkness, the secrets that lurk in unseen corners, and the silent tales told by the absence of light. As the spell is cast, the piece of dark cloth in your hand becomes a conduit, channeling the ambient shadows to coalesce around you, wrapping you in an ethereal, twilight embrace.
  Upon casting Shroud of Shadow, you become a wraith-like figure, a barely discernible presence cloaked in the subtleties of darkness. The shadows cling to you, moving with you, making your outline flicker and blur. To those observing, you appear as nothing more than a fleeting, formless patch of darkness, easily mistaken for a trick of the light—or the lack thereof.
  While you are not rendered invisible, your presence becomes elusive and hard to define. The spell grants you advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks in dim light or darkness. You become one with the shadows, a part of the nocturnal tapestry, moving unseen and unheard like a whisper in the night.
  However, the spell's effectiveness diminishes in bright light, and its protection can be compromised by actions that draw attention or create noise. The illusion is delicate, a dance with the intangible, and can be disrupted by direct illumination or clear visibility.
  Shroud of Shadow is favored by those who operate under the veil of night—thieves, spies, and scouts. It is a tool for the unseen and the unheard, for those who understand that sometimes the best way to confront danger is to avoid it altogether.
  The spell is also a reminder of the dual nature of shadows: they are a place of hiding and mystery, but also of fear and uncertainty. To don the Shroud of Shadow is to embrace this duality, to become a part of the world where light and darkness meet and dance their eternal dance.
  Classes: Rogue, Bard, Warlock
Source: Custom Creation

  Shroud of Shadow is more than a mere tool for stealth; it is an embrace of the world of shadows, a foray into the realm where light dims and secrets reign. In the shroud, one finds not just concealment but also a deeper understanding of the interplay between light and darkness, the seen and the unseen, the known and the unknown.

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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