Shadow Strike Spell in Changing Stars | World Anvil

Shadow Strike

Shadow Strike
3rd-level illusion
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (a fragment of a shadow captured at midnight)
Duration: Instantaneous

  Shadow Strike is a spell that weaves the elusive and enigmatic nature of shadows into a tangible force, allowing the caster to meld with darkness and strike with the precision of night itself. This spell is not simply an attack; it is a dance with the unseen, a communion with the ephemeral essence of shadow and secrecy.

  Upon casting, the air around the caster seems to darken, as if light itself is being devoured by an unseen hunger. The caster's form blurs and fades, becoming one with the shadows around them. In this state, they move with an eerie silence, a specter gliding through the darkness.

  With a thought, the caster teleports to an unoccupied space within range that they can see, emerging from the shadows as if born from the night. The suddenness of their appearance is disconcerting, a phantom materializing from the ether. They then make a melee spell attack against a creature within 5 feet, their strike imbued with the cold, unforgiving essence of shadow.

  On a hit: The target is enveloped by a surge of psychic energy, the impact more mental than physical. They take 4d8 psychic damage, as their mind reels from the unexpected assault. The shadow's touch leaves more than just a wound; it blinds the target until the end of the caster's next turn, enveloping them in a suffocating darkness that robs them of their sight and instills a deep-seated fear of the lurking shadows.

  On a miss: The spell's backlash is swift and harsh. The caster takes 1d8 psychic damage, the shadows rebelling against their failed attempt. They, too, are blinded until the end of their next turn, a victim of their own spell's capricious nature. This moment of vulnerability serves as a stark reminder of the dangerous power they wield, a force that demands respect and caution.

  Shadow Strike is more than a mere spell; it is an embrace of the intangible, a testament to the caster's mastery over the subtle and often overlooked power of shadows. It is a favored tool of assassins, spies, and those who walk the line between seen and unseen, a spell that epitomizes the art of striking from the darkness.

  Classes: Wizard, Sorcerer, Warlock
Source: Custom Creation

  This description of Shadow Strike paints a vivid picture of the spell's nature, emphasizing its blend of illusion, stealth, and psychic force. The spell's mechanics and thematic elements are woven together to create a narrative that highlights its potency as a tool for ambush and subterfuge, embodying the essence of the shadowy realms it draws power from.

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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