Seal of Preservation Spell in Changing Stars | World Anvil

Seal of Preservation

Seal of Preservation
1st-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a pinch of salt and a piece of wax)
Duration: 7 days

  Seal of Preservation is a transmutation spell that creates an invisible, magical seal over containers, extending the longevity of their contents by halting the process of natural decay. This spell is a gentle whisper to the forces of time and nature, a request for a momentary pause in the relentless march of deterioration. As the caster sprinkles salt and seals the container with wax, they weave a spell of preservation, a barrier against the ravages of time.
  Upon casting Seal of Preservation, you touch a container, be it a jar, a barrel, a box, or any enclosed space, and invoke the spell. The components merge into the essence of the container, forming an invisible, magical seal. This seal acts as a barrier to external elements, maintaining the internal environment of the container in a state of stasis.
  The contents of the sealed container are preserved in their current state. Food does not spoil, liquids do not evaporate, and even non-food items are protected from environmental factors that might cause wear or damage. This makes the spell invaluable for alchemists preserving rare ingredients, chefs storing perishable foods, and adventurers needing to keep provisions fresh over long journeys.
  The magic of the Seal of Preservation is subtle yet profound. It does not create a physical barrier but a temporal one, slowing the passage of time within the sealed space. The spell lasts for seven days, during which the contents are kept in a near-perfect state of preservation.
  However, the spell cannot revive spoiled items or restore what has already been lost to decay. It is a preventative measure, a way to stay the hand of time, rather than reversing its effects.
  Classes: Cleric, Wizard, Druid
Source: Custom Creation

  Seal of Preservation is more than a utilitarian spell; it is a meditation on the nature of time and decay, a magical ode to the preservation of the fleeting and the ephemeral. In its casting, one finds a respect for the natural order, a recognition of the cycle of growth and decay, and a desire to hold, for a moment, the beauty and utility of the present. The spell embodies a harmony with nature, an understanding that while all things must pass, there is grace in cherishing what is here and now.

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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