Ruby Bling Cart Building / Landmark in Changing Stars | World Anvil

Ruby Bling Cart

  Location: In Midtown west of the Westgate. The street outside is filled with the smell of damp earth. The lead player walks right into a solid wall, despite it looking like open street. Giggling is heard from a nearby window. Investigation will find a few apprentices from the Cowled Academy playing magical tricks on tourists.
Description: The jeweler is a adobe two-storey building, with a brown tile roof and a pillared curved-roof entryway. It is well-lit by a few magical torches. It contains a crossbow sitting on the counter and several framed paintings of necklaces.


Exquisite Ring (3 gp)
Crystal Arcane Focus (phb 151) (10 gp)
Ring of Jumping (dmg 191) (2,402 gp)
Elegant Pearl Necklace (Mundane) (80 gp) - A classic necklace strung with evenly matched pearls, perfect for formal occasions.
Gemstone-Encrusted Brooch (Mundane) (120 gp) - A brooch featuring an array of small, colorful gemstones set in an intricate design.
Silver Chain Bracelet (Mundane) (25 gp) - A simple yet stylish bracelet made of interlocking silver chains.
Gold Earrings with Sapphires (Mundane) (150 gp) - A pair of gold earrings, each adorned with a small, brilliant sapphire.
Custom Signet Ring (Mundane) (35 gp) - A personalized signet ring, crafted to the customer's specifications.
Amethyst Pendant (Mundane) (45 gp) - A striking pendant with a large amethyst stone set in a simple gold or silver frame.
Engraved Cufflinks (Mundane) (50 gp) - A pair of finely engraved cufflinks, available in various metals.

Other Patrons:

Emma Rutherford, Female Human
Spear Thunder, Male Tabaxi

Ruby Bling Cart

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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