Orb of Class Technology / Science in Changing Stars | World Anvil

Orb of Class

Orbs of Class: The Keys to Power

Unlocking the Mysteries of Ascension

Introduction: Beyond the Mundane

In the realms of 'Changing Stars', the Orbs of Class stand as beacons of transcendent power, shrouded in mystery and allure. These artifacts are not mere tools; they are the heartbeats of destiny, reshaping the lives of those who dare to wield them. This exploration delves deep into their enigmatic origins, the transformative journey they offer, and the intricate dance of power and peril they entail.

Origin and Nature of the Orbs

The origins of the Orbs of Class are steeped in the mists of antiquity, intertwined with the lore of the Titans, those enigmatic cosmic architects. These legendary beings, whose motives and actions are as mysterious and vast as the universe itself, are rumored to have crafted these orbs. Whether as tools of cultivation for the mortal races or as part of a grander, unfathomable design, the true purpose of the Titans in creating these orbs remains a subject of speculation and awe.   Each orb is a marvel of arcane engineering, a reservoir brimming with concentrated knowledge and power. They are not mere objects but crystalline embodiments of knowledge of all the specific heroic classes encoded with an arcane intelligence able to help you reach your full potential. When held, they pulse with an energy that resonates deeply with the core of one's being, almost as if they are alive with the very essence of possibility.   During a short rest, an individual can meditate on an orb, attuning their senses to its unique frequency of magical energies. This meditation can allow them to channel magical energy from the Orb once per day to recharge a magic item that uses charges in the amount of one charge. They have been rumored to be used by other beings to garner more magical power from them somehow, though such secrets are of the realms of beings from beyond the mortal plane for the most part.   Most commonly, these Orbs of Class are discovered in the depths of Dungeons, emerging as coveted prizes in the aftermath of a dungeon's reset. They are often found nestled within the hoarded treasures of formidable dungeon bosses or guarded by powerful monsters, sometimes even appearing after defeating particularly powerful bosses. These encounters add a layer of challenge and danger to the acquisition of an orb, as these guardians may use the orbs to augment their own abilities, making them formidable opponents.   Intriguingly, the power of the Orbs of Class is not limited to humanoids alone. Any sapient being, regardless of their origin or species, can harness the power of these orbs. This universality speaks to the fundamental nature of the orbs – they are tools of evolution and power, transcending boundaries and offering a path to ascendancy for all who are brave enough to wield them.   The presence of these orbs in Dungeons, guarded by fearsome creatures, adds to the mystery and allure of these ancient artifacts. Are they intentionally placed as tests of courage and strength? Or are they remnants of a forgotten past, waiting to be rediscovered? These questions linger in the minds of adventurers and scholars alike, as the Orbs of Class continue to shape the destinies of those who seek them out in the ever-changing tapestry of 'Changing Stars'.  

Mechanics of Use and Transformation

The process of bonding with an Orb of Class in 'Changing Stars' is a meticulously orchestrated ritual, pivotal to an adventurer's ascension beyond ordinary limits. This ritual, embedded in the very fabric of these mystical artifacts, unfolds in a series of deliberate steps, each critical to achieving successful attunement.  
Step One: Activation
The initial step in this transformative journey involves the adventurer holding the Orb of Class, typically no larger than a marble, and focusing their intention on activating its latent power. This moment of connection is crucial, as it signifies the willingness and readiness of the individual to embrace the changes the orb is set to impart. The orb, responsive to this intent, begins the subtle process of aligning its energy with the user's essence.  
Step Two: Consumption
Following activation, the adventurer must consume the Orb of Class. Despite its potent energy, the orb is physically small, akin in size to a pearl or marble, making it possible to ingest. This act of consumption is symbolic of the commitment to the path ahead, signifying a deep, personal integration of the orb's power. It's a profound gesture of trust in the mystical forces at play, marking the beginning of a profound metamorphosis.  
Step Three: The Long Rest
The final and decisive step in the attunement process requires the adventurer to undergo a long rest. This rest is not merely a period of physical relaxation but a crucial phase for the mystical integration of the orb’s power. In this state of restfulness, the consumed orb dissolves, and its essence begins to create a dream realm so the arcane intelligence within the orb's activated essence to communicate with the adventurer's being. This gives a space for the adventurer to train and learn to use their new abilities from their level up before they are awake in the real world and might need to use them. Some people remember this process, though most think of it as if a dream and don't think further of it. Either way, when they wake from the long rest, they find the Orb of Class in their palm or on their person, ready to be used the next time they need to level up.  
Completion of Attunement
Upon awakening from the long rest, the attunement process reaches its culmination. In 'Changing Stars', this ritual of bonding with an Orb of Class is a gateway to extraordinary possibilities. It is the key to transcending the typical plateau of level 20, offering a path toward unparalleled power and potential, including the rarefied realms of demi-godhood or beyond. However, such ascension is shrouded in mystery, known only to a select few. Adventurers embarking on this path are venturing into realms of power and legend, where the only certainty is the transformative journey itself.  

Classes and The Orbs

In the world of 'Changing Stars', the Orbs of Class are not mere objects of power; they are the epitome of empowerment to unlock an individual's specific paths and destinies. Each orb is imbued with a unique Arcane Intelligence within the artifact, a crystalline vessel that encapsulates the essence of a magical sentient being with the sum total of all heroic class knowledge. These orbs are the keys to unlocking the full potential of the user they are attuned to, imbuing those who bond with them with abilities and insights beyond the reach of ordinary training and experience. They also contain the memories of anyone attuned to them, allowing them to be used alongside a wish or resurrection spell in place of having your body to bring you back from the dead. Any user with the Modify Memory spell can attempt to use it on the A.I. Trainer they encounter in the dream realm to remove or alter memories of your own stored within it.  
The Quintessence of Adventurer Paths
The variety and diversity of paths available to adventurers from Orbs of Class is entirely determined by the will of the attuned user and their Arcane Intelligence. An orb doesn't change who you are, just unlocks the upper limit for what you could be if you work for it. This also means you are free to multiclass as you like.  
Contrast with Accessible Classes
In stark contrast to these specialized Orbs of Class are the more accessible classes like Adept, Warrior, Commoner, Sage, Aristocrat, and Merchant. These classes, integral to the fabric of society in 'Changing Stars', provide foundational skills and abilities essential for the functioning of the world. An Adept may learn rudimentary spellcasting, a Warrior basic combat skills, a Commoner survival and craft skills, while a Merchant acquires negotiation and trade abilities.   However, these classes, while important, lack the advanced powers and specialized capabilities inherent in the Orbs of Class. They represent the starting point of an individual’s journey, the ground level from which one might aspire to greater heights. The Orbs of Class offer a leap beyond these foundational abilities, catapulting the adventurer into realms of power and influence that reshape not only their own destiny but potentially the course of history in 'Changing Stars'.  
The Role of Orbs in Shaping Destiny
The relationship between an adventurer and their chosen Orb of Class is deeply personal and transformative. It is a journey of growth, challenges, and self-discovery. Whether it's embracing the shadowy path of the Rogue, unlocking the arcane secrets of the Wizard, or walking the hallowed path of the Cleric, each orb offers a unique narrative and set of challenges. This variety ensures that no two adventurers' journeys are the same, and the stories forged in the pursuit and mastery of these orbs are as diverse as the orbs themselves.   The Orbs of Class are much more than tools for character advancement; they are symbols of identity, choice, and destiny. They offer adventurers not just power, but a way to deeply connect with the essence of their chosen path, forever altering the trajectory of their lives.    

Societal Impact and Distribution

The Orbs of Class, in the world of 'Changing Stars', are far more than mere artifacts of power; they are pivotal elements that shape the very structure of societies and nations. Their existence and the capabilities they bestow have profound implications, influencing everything from individual destinies to the grand strategies of empires.  
Orbs as Coveted Treasures and Symbols of Power
In many realms within 'Changing Stars', Orbs of Class are regarded as the ultimate treasures, sought after by adventurers and rulers alike. Their ability to elevate an individual's power and status makes them incredibly valuable. In some societies, these orbs have become symbols of nobility and prestige. Possessing an Orb of Class can transform an ordinary individual into a figure of significant influence, even elevating them to the ranks of nobility in certain cultures. Conversely, established rulers and powerful individuals seek these orbs to cement their rule, using the powers bestowed by the orbs to maintain control and authority.  
Trade and Economic Influence
In other regions, Orbs of Class are traded as rare and precious commodities. Their value, much like that of diamonds or gold, fluctuates based on scarcity, demand, and the political climate. This trade has given rise to a complex market, with merchants, adventurers, and even nations vying to acquire, sell, or trade these powerful artifacts. The economy of entire regions can be influenced by the control and distribution of these orbs, leading to a dynamic interplay of supply, demand, and power.  
National Policies and Experiments
Different nations and cultures within 'Changing Stars' have developed their unique approaches to dealing with Orbs of Class. In some kingdoms, there is a policy of exclusivity, where these orbs are reserved for those of noble birth or high station, reinforcing class structures and hierarchies. In such societies, an Orb of Class is not just a source of power but a symbol of one's birthright and status.   On the other end of the spectrum, some nations have embarked on experiments with these orbs, driven by a desire to replicate or even enhance their powers. These experiments, often shrouded in secrecy, involve arcane research and magical trials, reflecting a deep fascination with the orbs' inherent mysteries. The results of such experiments, whether successful or catastrophic, are closely guarded, adding another layer of intrigue to the lore of these artifacts.  
Universal Appeal and Power Dynamics
Despite the varied approaches to their use and distribution, one fact remains universally acknowledged across 'Changing Stars': Orbs of Class represent power. This recognition has led to their popularity and desirability across the world, transcending cultural and geographical boundaries. They are objects of aspiration for many, symbolizing not just personal advancement but the potential to reshape one’s destiny and, by extension, the world.  

Dangers and Limitations

The impact of Orbs of Class on the societies of 'Changing Stars' is profound and multifaceted. They are not just tools for individual empowerment but are deeply woven into the fabric of politics, economy, culture, and national ambition. Their distribution and control are matters of great importance, influencing everything from personal journeys to the fate of nations, making them central to the ongoing narrative and evolution of 'Changing Stars'. The allure of the Orbs of Class extends far beyond their mystical capabilities. These artifacts are coveted treasures, capable of reshaping the destiny of individuals and nations alike. Their very existence creates a vortex of danger that surrounds their bearers.   In the hands of the unscrupulous, these orbs can be instruments of tyranny and oppression. Nobles and warlords, driven by a thirst for power, relentlessly seek these orbs to bolster their armies and solidify their rule. The promise of power that the orbs hold makes them invaluable assets in the games of political intrigue and warfare.   Furthermore, the orbs' value makes their possessors targets for criminal elements. Bandits, thieves, and darker forces lurk in the shadows, ever vigilant for an opportunity to claim these treasures. The risk of robbery, betrayal, and even murder escalates exponentially for those known to possess an Orb of Class.   But beyond these external threats, there lies an insidious danger. The orbs can become an obsession, a focal point of envy and greed. In a world where power can be held in the palm of one's hand, the temptation to possess and control these artifacts can corrupt the most noble of hearts. This all too often leads to a society where trust is scarce, and alliances are as fragile as the morals of their users.   Ultimately meaning, the Orbs of Class are not just catalysts for personal transformation; they are also harbingers of broader societal challenges. They create a landscape where power is a coveted commodity, altering the very fabric of society in 'Changing Stars'. This dichotomy of incredible potential and immense peril makes the Orbs of Class a profound aspect of the world, a central theme that shapes narratives and defines destinies.  


The Orb of Class cannot under normal circumstances be used by those who have not aged out of childhood and into early adulthood. For humans this is typically puberty, for dragons it is when they reach juvenile size. Additionally someone cannot be forced to use one, not even with charm magic. That being said, there are stories and legends of child heroes in every corner of the world so there must be some truth to them. Additionally, an Orb of Class cannot be used to recharge any charges into a Ring of Wishes.  

Conclusion: A Double-Edged Sword

In conclusion, the Orbs of Class are much more than mere objects; they are a core element of the fabric of 'Changing Stars'. They offer a path to greatness, but also pose significant risks, demanding respect and understanding. They encapsulate the fundamental truths of the world: that power is a journey fraught with challenges, and that true strength lies in the wisdom to wield it judiciously.

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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Jan 5, 2024 15:25 by Justin Miller

Do....do I eat it?

The worst writer in at lest two realities.
Jan 8, 2024 02:51 by mage josh

See my initial concept was yes it was something you eat. Then i thought more on it and decided i wanted it to be a little larger than edible in size, and a magical artifact that is used in a ritual to activate it. Working on a ritual entry for it then I'll link it back here in this one.