Mystic Mutter Spell in Changing Stars | World Anvil

Mystic Mutter

Mystic Mutter
Cantrip illusion, psionic
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a butterfly wing, a pinch of sweetgrass, and a drop of rainwater)
Duration: 1 minute
  In the arcane landscape of your creations, where whispers carry the weight of magic and the spoken word is a conduit of power, Mystic Mutter is a cantrip that weaves a spellcaster's voice into a soft, enchanting murmur. This spell creates an auditory illusion, a barely perceptible undertone that can subtly influence those who hear it.
  Upon casting Mystic Mutter, your voice fragments into a symphony of hushed tones, each whisper carrying a fragment of your intent. These murmurs swirl around, audible only to those you choose within range. To the uninitiated, they are like the faint rustling of leaves or the distant rush of a stream – easily overlooked, yet carrying a seed of enchantment.
  Effects of Mystic Mutter:   Subconscious Suggestion: The murmurs can plant a simple idea or feeling in the minds of those who hear them, such as unease, curiosity, or calmness, subtly influencing their mood and perception. Using this ability is a bonus action.
Hidden Messages: You can convey a short, simple message to a specific target within range, obscured within the murmurs, which only they can discern and understand. Using this ability is a bonus action.
Ambient Camouflage: The spell can be used to mask small, incidental sounds made by you or nearby creatures, aiding in stealthy endeavors. Using this ability is a reaction to a failed stealth or other check which makes a noise that is heard by enemies. When used, you may reroll the failed check that triggered the reaction. This ability may target a failed check made by an ally within range or your own failed check either way.
  Mystic Mutter is a spell of subtle manipulation and arcane whispers, a tool for those who understand the power of suggestion and the art of hidden messages. It is a reflection of the belief that sometimes, the softest words can carry the greatest power.
  Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Source: Custom Creation

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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