Mind's Maze Spell in Changing Stars | World Anvil

Mind's Maze

Mind's Maze
1st-level illusion
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a small labyrinth etched on a piece of parchment)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

  Mind's Maze is an intricate illusion spell that weaves a complex and bewildering labyrinth within the target's mind. This spell is not a mere conjuring of images or sounds; it is a delicate and profound manipulation of the mind's perception, creating a maze of thoughts, memories, and illusions that ensnare the psyche. As the caster holds the labyrinthine parchment, they channel their focus into the intricate pathways, projecting a mental mirage that ensnares the target's cognition in a captivating puzzle.
  Upon casting Mind's Maze, you select a creature within range and unfurl the arcane energies that bind their mind in a maze of confusion and illusion. The target is suddenly plunged into an internal world, a mental labyrinth that is as bewildering as it is captivating. Their surroundings appear unchanged to others, but to the target, reality becomes a shifting, twisting maze of corridors and dead ends.
  The target must succeed on an Intelligence saving throw or become lost in the labyrinth of their own mind. While ensnared, their ability to discern reality from illusion is severely impaired. Decision-making becomes a daunting task, as every thought leads to another twist or turn in the ever-changing maze.
  During each of their turns, the ensnared creature can attempt an Intelligence check to navigate the mental maze. A successful check means they have found a moment of clarity, a fleeting glimpse of the path that leads out of the labyrinth. However, failure indicates that they remain trapped, their mind wandering aimlessly through the convoluted pathways of the spell.
  Mind's Maze is a favorite spell of illusionists, strategists, and those who prefer to outwit their opponents rather than confront them directly. It is a testament to the power of the mind and the complexity of thought, a reminder that sometimes the greatest battles are fought not on the battlefield, but within the realms of one's own consciousness.
  Classes: Wizard, Bard, Sorcerer
Source: Custom Creation

  Mind's Maze is more than a mere spell; it is an exploration of the labyrinthine nature of the mind. In its casting, one finds a reflection of the intricate and often perplexing pathways of thought and memory. The spell serves as a reminder of the mind's vast and uncharted territory, a domain where reality and illusion intertwine, and where the journey to understanding can be as twisted and complex as the most intricate maze.

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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