Major Gods in Changing Stars | World Anvil

Major Gods


Portfolio: Mysteries, arcane knowledge, afterlife, soul guidance, magical phenomena.
Domains: Grave, Knowledge, Magic
Alignment: Lawful Neutral/Chaotic Good (LN/CG)
Church / Cult: The Order of the Veiled Tome
Realm: The Ethereal Archives
Arkanthys's followers often wear amulets shaped like open tomes, symbolizing their pursuit of knowledge.
Arkanthys stands as a deity of profound mysteries, governing the realms of the grave, arcane knowledge, and potent magics. While neither male nor female, Arkanthys often shifts forms to suit its purpose, revealing the depth of its understanding of the cosmos. Unlike many deities, Arkanthys prefers to work through its devout followers rather than intervening directly, believing in the potential of mortals to uphold certain cosmic principles. The deity's Reapers ensure the balance of life and death, guiding souls to their rightful destinies. Arkanthys is neither strictly benevolent nor malevolent but operates on a plane of existence that values the broader perspective of events.

Arkanthis - God of The Grave, Knowledge, & Magic  


Portfolio: Sunlight, dawn, purity, hope, righteousness.
Domains: Light, Sun
Alignment: Lawful Good (LG)
Church / Cult: The Radiant Fellowship
Realm: The Dawnlit Sanctuary
Temples dedicated to Belthrial are often built on hilltops to catch the first rays of dawn.
Belthrial is the radiant embodiment of sunlight and purity. Often depicted with a halo of brilliant light or with sunbeams emanating from its form, Belthrial is a beacon of hope and righteousness in the pantheon. As the deity of light, it is believed that Belthrial's gaze can pierce through any darkness, revealing truths hidden in the shadows. Temples dedicated to Belthrial are places of healing, reflection, and rejuvenation, drawing many to seek its blessings.

Belthrial - God of Light and the Sun  


Portfolio: Battle, discipline, valor, honor, martial strategy.
Domains: War, Strength
Alignment: Lawful Neutral (LN)
Church / Cult: The Warband of Honor
Realm: The Bastion of Valiance
Warriors pray to Thordane before battle, seeking his blessing for victory and honor.
Thordane, the god of valor and discipline, is a figure of immense respect among warriors and soldiers. Often depicted in resplendent armor with a warhammer by his side, Thordane embodies the principles of honor, strategy, and strength. While he champions the causes of just wars and righteous battles, he also upholds the values of peace and order. Military academies and barracks often have shrines dedicated to Thordane, where soldiers pray for strength and guidance.



Portfolio: Moon phases, night, illusions, mischief, revelry.
Domains: Moon, Trickery
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (CN)
Church / Cult: The Circle of Moonlit Mischief
Realm: The Silvery Expanse
During full moons, followers of Lunyara engage in playful and mischievous rituals.
The capricious goddess of the moon and mischief, Lunyara dances across the night sky, casting her silvery glow upon the world. She is a deity of duality, representing both the serene beauty of the moonlit night and the unpredictable nature of illusions and tricks. Folktales often speak of Lunyara playing pranks on mortals and gods alike, yet she also offers guidance to those lost in the dark. Her festivals are nights of revelry, where masks are worn, and secrets are shared.



Portfolio: Forests, growth, renewal, natural balance, woodland creatures.
Domains: Nature, Plant
Alignment: Neutral Good (NG)
Church / Cult: The Druidic Conclave of Growth
Realm: The Evergreen Haven
Eldryss's druids are known to plant sacred groves, which are considered havens of peace.
Eldryss, the nurturing goddess of forests and growth, is a symbol of life's ever-renewing cycle. Often portrayed surrounded by woodland creatures or with leaves and vines entwined in her hair, Eldryss is a protector of all things natural. Her druids and followers work tirelessly to maintain the balance of ecosystems, believing that in nature, one can find the true essence of existence. Sacred groves dedicated to Eldryss are places of meditation and healing, where the weary can find solace.



Portfolio: Storms, ocean tides, rainfall, maritime navigation, sea creatures.
Domains: Tempest, Sea
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (CN)
Church / Cult: The Mariners' Stormbound Brotherhood
Realm: The Tempestuous Abyss
Sailors often carry tokens of Morgalor to protect them from storms at sea.
Morgalor, the tempestuous god of storms and oceans, is a force of nature personified. Often depicted amidst roaring waves with lightning crackling around him, Morgalor embodies the unpredictable fury of the seas. Sailors and fishermen pay him homage, seeking his favor for safe voyages. While he can unleash devastating storms, Morgalor also blesses the world with life-giving rains, showcasing his dual nature.



Portfolio: Romantic love, familial bonds, healing, compassion, renewal.
Domains: Love, Life
Alignment: Neutral Good (NG)
Church / Cult: The Heartbound Healers
Realm: The Blossoming Elysium
Couples seeking blessings for their union often visit Valeria's temples on the first day of spring.
Valeria, the compassionate goddess of love and healing, is a beacon of hope for many. Often portrayed with a heart-shaped pendant or surrounded by blooming flowers, Valeria embodies the principles of affection, care, and rejuvenation. Many seek her temples to mend broken hearts or to seek blessings for unions. Her clerics are known to perform acts of kindness, believing that love is the ultimate form of healing.



Portfolio: Craftsmanship, metallurgy, transformative fire, innovation, creation.
Domains: Forge, Fire
Alignment: Lawful Neutral (LN)
Church / Cult: The Guild of the Eternal Forge
Realm: The Molten Core
Blacksmiths revere Gorundar, believing that he blesses their creations with unmatched durability.
Gorundar, the masterful god of craftsmanship and fire, is revered by blacksmiths and artisans. Often shown working at an anvil with flames dancing around him, Gorundar represents the transformative power of fire and the art of creation. It is said that the finest weapons and artifacts are blessed by Gorundar, granting them unmatched durability and power.



Portfolio: Arcane arts, cosmic wonders, astral phenomena, prophecies, ancient secrets.
Domains: Arcana, Stars
Alignment: True Neutral (N)
Church / Cult: The Astral Seekers
Realm: The Celestial Observatory
Astrologers and mages often seek Ilyndra's guidance when charting the stars.
Ilyndra, the enigmatic goddess of arcane magic and the cosmos, is a figure of mystery and wonder. Often shown with a staff adorned with a starry orb or gazing into the vastness of space, Ilyndra represents the infinite possibilities of magic and the universe. Astrologers and mages seek her guidance, believing that she holds the keys to ancient secrets and prophecies.



Portfolio: City defense, unity, urban development, protection, order.
Domains: Protection, City
Alignment: Lawful Good (LG)
Church / Cult: The Guardians of the Citadel
Realm: The Shielded Metropolis
City guards wear Thralos's emblem, believing it shields them from harm.
Thralos, the guardian god of cities and civilization, stands as a bulwark against chaos and destruction. Often depicted with a shield bearing a city skyline or standing atop city walls, Thralos embodies the principles of unity, order, and defense. City guards and architects revere him, seeking his blessings to protect their homes and loved ones.



Portfolio: Journeys, exploration, roadways, wanderlust, discovery.
Domains: Travel, Roads
Alignment: Chaotic Good (CG)
Church / Cult: The Wayfarers of the Open Road
Realm: The Boundless Horizon
Merchants and travelers often leave offerings at roadside shrines dedicated to Narvella.
Narvella, the free-spirited goddess of journeys and exploration, inspires wanderlust in many hearts. Often portrayed with a traveler's cloak, a map, and a staff, Narvella represents the joy of discovery and the thrill of the unknown. Merchants, travelers, and adventurers leave offerings at her roadside shrines, hoping for safe journeys and exciting adventures.



Portfolio: Inevitability of death, time's passage, fate, life's cycles, destiny.
Domains: Death, Fate
Alignment: Neutral Evil (NE)
Church / Cult: The Whisperers of Fate
Realm: The Hourglass Expanse
It's said that when one's time is near, they might hear Zorvath's whisper in the wind.
Zorvath, the somber god of inevitable death and destiny, is a constant reminder of life's fleeting nature. Often depicted with a hooded robe and an hourglass, Zorvath oversees the passage of time and the fate of all beings. While many fear him, others seek his guidance to understand their destiny and the mysteries of the afterlife.



by mage
Portfolio: Chaos, upheaval, rebellion, anarchy, transformative change.
Domains: Destruction, Chaos
Alignment: Chaotic Evil (CE)
Church / Cult: The Agents of Chaos
Realm: The Anarchic Vortex
Followers of Keldrath believe in embracing chaos and often incite rebellions and uprisings.
Keldrath, the god of chaos and destruction, revels in the unpredictable nature of existence. Often shown amidst scenes of devastation or with flames of anarchy in his eyes, Keldrath challenges the established order, sowing seeds of rebellion and upheaval. His followers believe in embracing chaos, seeing it as a natural and necessary force in the universe.



Portfolio: Domination, control, oppressive rule, law enforcement, tyranny.
Domains: Tyranny, Law
Alignment: Lawful Evil (LE)
Church / Cult: The Iron Tyrants
Realm: The Throne of Dominion
Kings and tyrants secretly worship Morthal, seeking his favor to maintain their rule.
Morthal, the god of domination and control, is a figure of dread for many. Often depicted seated on a throne of bones with chains in his grasp, Morthal represents the oppressive power of tyranny. Kings and despots secretly worship him, seeking his favor to crush rebellions and maintain their iron grip on their domains.



Portfolio: Artistic expression, beauty, inspiration, creativity, aesthetics.
Domains: Beauty, Art
Alignment: Neutral Good (NG)
Church / Cult: The Conclave of Inspired Creation
Realm: The Canvas of Splendor
Artists and performers invoke Veldora's name for inspiration and creativity.
Veldora, the goddess of beauty and art, inspires creativity in all its forms. Often portrayed surrounded by works of art or with a palette in hand, Veldora embodies the joy of creation and the appreciation of beauty. Artists and performers invoke her name, seeking inspiration for their masterpieces.



Portfolio: Earth's stability, mountain peaks, endurance, geology, natural treasures.
Domains: Earth, Mountain
Alignment: Lawful Neutral (LN)
Church / Cult: The Stonebound Order
Realm: The Unyielding Peaks
Miners and stone masons believe Tharnak grants them the strength to shape the earth.
Tharnak, the steadfast god of the earth and mountains, is a symbol of endurance and permanence. Often depicted as a towering figure made of stone or standing atop a mountain peak, Tharnak represents the unyielding nature of the earth. Miners and stone masons revere him, believing that he grants them the strength and resilience to shape the earth and uncover its treasures.



Portfolio: Shadows, hidden truths, espionage, subterfuge, dark secrets.
Domains: Shadows, Secrets
Alignment: Chaotic Evil (CE)
Church / Cult: The Shadowed Network
Realm: The Veiled Underworld
Spies and assassins pay homage to Lilthra, seeking her aid in their clandestine activities.
Lilthra, the elusive goddess of shadows and secrets, is a figure shrouded in mystery. Often portrayed as a hooded figure with a mask, only her eyes visible, Lilthra embodies the hidden truths and the power of the unknown. Spies, assassins, and those who operate in the shadows pay homage to her, seeking her blessings for their clandestine activities and to uncover hidden knowledge.



Portfolio: Commerce, wealth accumulation, trade routes, prosperity, marketplaces.
Domains: Wealth, Trade
Alignment: True Neutral (N)
Church / Cult: The Merchants of Abundance
Realm: The Golden Bazaar
Merchants pray to Gorvandus for prosperous trades and bountiful profits.
Gorvandus, the opulent god of wealth and trade, is a beacon of prosperity and commerce. Often depicted with a scale in one hand and a chest of gold in the other, Gorvandus represents the flow of wealth and the intricacies of trade. Merchants, traders, and business owners seek his favor, hoping for prosperous trades, bountiful profits, and protection from thieves.



Portfolio: Dream realm, subconscious, visions, restful sleep, nocturnal insights.
Domains: Dreams, Sleep
Alignment: Chaotic Good (CG)
Church / Cult: The Dreamweavers' Sanctuary
Realm: The Ethereal Dreamlands
Dreamers and seers believe that Elthria sends them visions and prophecies through dreams.
Elthria, the ethereal goddess of dreams and sleep, is a guardian of the subconscious realm. Often portrayed floating amidst a sea of stars with a serene expression, Elthria represents the bridge between the waking world and the realm of dreams. Dreamers, seers, and those seeking insight turn to her for guidance, believing that she sends visions and prophecies through dreams.



Portfolio: Frost, cold climates, survival, endurance, winter hunters.
Domains: Cold, Winter
Alignment: Neutral (N)
Church / Cult: The Frostborn Tribes
Realm: The Glacial Wasteland
In the coldest regions, tribes worship Norgal, hoping to appease his icy wrath.
Norgal, the chilling god of winter and cold, reigns over the coldest regions with an icy grip. Often depicted as a figure made of ice, with frosty breath and a crown of icicles, Norgal embodies the harshness and beauty of winter. Tribes living in frigid lands worship him, offering sacrifices in hopes of appeasing his icy wrath and ensuring a milder winter.

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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