Invest Lycanthrope Spell in Changing Stars | World Anvil

Invest Lycanthrope

Invest Lycanthrope
8th-level alteration
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a moonstone gem encased in wolf's bane)
Duration: 24 hours

  Invest Lycanthrope is a spell of profound and mysterious power, intertwining the essence of humanity with the primal spirit of the lycanthrope. It is a ritual of transformation, a gateway to a realm where man and beast blur into a singular, potent entity.
  Upon casting this spell, the caster touches the target creature, transferring a sliver of lycanthropic essence into them. The moonstone, pulsating with arcane energy, becomes the crucible for this metamorphosis, while the wolf's bane serves as a symbolic bridge between two worlds, grounding the transformation in the realm of the wild.
  The spell weaves the very fabric of the creature's being, reshaping and remolding it to bestow upon it the shapechanging powers of a true lycanthrope. For the duration of the spell, the target acquires the ability to transform at will into a hybrid or full beast form, mirroring the nature of the most feral and untamed aspects of existence.
  In their new form, the target gains the strengths and vulnerabilities typical to lycanthropes. They become resilient to non-magical weapons, while silver becomes an anathema, a bane to their newfound form. The transformation also imparts the ability to infect others with the lycanthropic curse through claw or bite attacks, an ability that comes with a heavy burden and a profound sense of power.
  However, this transformation is not without its risks. When the spell's duration comes to an end, the creature must face a reckoning of sorts, a saving throw that determines the permanence of this change. A failed save means the target is forever changed, cursed with the lycanthropic affliction, a fate that intertwines their destiny with the moon and the night.
  The moonstone used in the spell is not consumed but retains a residual echo of the transformation, a memory of the wild spirit that once coursed through its crystalline structure.
  Classes: Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard
Source: Custom Creation

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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