Gaiman's Gossamer Gates of Dream Spell in Changing Stars | World Anvil

Gaiman's Gossamer Gates of Dream

Gaiman's Gossamer Gates of Dream
8th-level enchantment
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (a quill from a dream-eating raven, a piece of opalescent moonstone, a shard of star crystal, and a page from a tome of ancient fables, all worth at least 3,000 gp collectively, which the spell consumes)
Duration: 8 hours
  Merging the surreal landscape of dreams with the boundless expanse of the cosmos, this spell allows the caster to create a dreamscape that intertwines the fabric of the mind with the tapestry of the universe. Upon casting, the caster enters a deep meditative state, becoming a conduit between the material plane and a dreamscape woven from cosmic energy and the collective unconscious.
  The caster can manifest up to six shimmering gossamer gates within a 60-foot radius. These portals serve as gateways to the dreamscape, accessible only to those the caster chooses. Individuals entering the gates find themselves in an ethereal realm shaped by the caster's subconscious and cosmic forces.
  In this dreamscape, the usual constraints of time, space, and reality are suspended. The caster has the power to sculpt the environment, manipulate temporal flow, and fabricate scenarios ranging from the fantastical to the introspective. This realm is an ideal setting for healing, personal growth, or deep-seated psychological exploration.
  The caster's dominion over the dreamscape extends to conjuring ephemeral entities, objects, and phenomena. These manifestations can impart wisdom, provide healing, or pose challenges, but their influence is confined to the dreamscape.
  Creatures within the dreamscape are in a state of lucid dreaming. They can take physical actions and interact with the dreamscape and each other. If a creature in the dreamscape is reduced to 0 hit points or if the caster's concentration is broken, that creature is immediately ejected from the dreamscape, reappearing at the location where they entered the gate.   As a unique feature, once during the spell’s duration, the caster can use a “Dream Incursion.” This allows the caster to enter the dreams of a sleeping creature, engaging in mental combat or negotiation. Success in this endeavor can result in gaining information, influencing the creature’s thoughts, or even implanting a suggestion, as per the "Suggestion" spell.   Another unique aspect of this spell is the "Celestial Dreamwalk," a profound journey into the psyche. This feature allows the caster to delve into the mind of a willing participant, unraveling hidden truths or reshaping memories and personality traits. The shared experience within this dreamscape blurs the line between dream and cosmic reality, offering rich opportunities for character development and narrative discovery.
  Classes: Bard, Warlock
Subclasses: College of Spirits Bard, Archfey Warlock, College of Lore Bard
Note: Gaiman's Gossamer Gates of Celestial Dreams is a bespoke spell for high-level play, ideal for campaigns exploring themes of cosmic significance, the psyche, and the fabric of reality. This spell is a synthesis of previous custom creations, inspired by Neil Gaiman’s unique narrative style, merged with D&D 5e mechanics.

  Source: A fusion of custom creations, blending the imaginative elements of dreams with the grandeur of cosmic phenomena, tailored for D&D 5e.

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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