Ethereal Paw Spell in Changing Stars | World Anvil

Ethereal Paw

Ethereal Paw
Cantrip conjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 minute
  In the world you weave, where the veil between the tangible and the spectral is as delicate as morning mist, Ethereal Paw is a cantrip that conjures a ghostly semblance of a beast's appendage. This spell summons a translucent, ethereal paw, capable of interacting with the physical realm in minor but meaningful ways.
  Upon casting Ethereal Paw, the air shivers as if touched by a chill breeze from the otherworld. A spectral paw, resembling that of a wolf or similar creature, materializes from the ether. This phantom limb, while intangible to touch, can exert a gentle force upon the world, capable of manipulating lightweight objects or activating simple mechanisms.
  Effects of Ethereal Paw:   Ghostly Manipulation: The ethereal paw can push, pull, lift, or open objects weighing up to 5 pounds. It can turn pages, pour liquids, or press buttons with a delicate, otherworldly grace.
Spectral Reach: The paw can extend up to 30 feet from you, allowing you to interact with objects at a distance, as if guided by an unseen beastly hand.
Ephemeral Touch: The paw leaves no marks or fingerprints, its touch as imperceptible as a whisper, making it ideal for covert operations or delicate tasks.
  At Higher Levels. At 5th level, the paw gains the ability to make melee spell attacks that deal 1d4 force damage to the target. Damage rolls increase by 1d4 at 11th level and 17th level. Additionally, At 5th level and above the spirit strength of your Ethereal Paw grows, granting it a Strength Ability Score equal to your level, expanding it's weight limit when it is used to push, pull, lift, or open objects appropriately.
  Ethereal Paw is a spell of subtle influence, a reminder of the bond between the corporeal and the incorporeal, the seen and the unseen. It symbolizes the gentle touch of the wild, the caress of the natural world reaching out from the realm of spirit and shadow.
  Classes: Wizard, Sorcerer, Druid
Source: Custom Creation

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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