Eclipse of the Mindweaver Spell in Changing Stars | World Anvil

Eclipse of the Mindweaver

Eclipse of the Mindweaver 6th-level illusion (Homebrew)
  Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 feet Components: V, S, M (a fragment of a mirror and a piece of a spider's web) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
  This spell weaves a complex tapestry of illusions, melding minds and perceptions. When you cast this spell, choose a point you can see within range. All creatures within a 20-foot radius centered on that point must make an Intelligence saving throw.
  On a failed save: A creature becomes ensnared in a web of illusory experiences, believing they are living out their deepest fears or desires for the duration. While ensnared, the creature is incapacitated and has a speed of 0.
  On a successful save: The creature realizes the illusion for what it is and is immune to the spell's effects for 24 hours.
  As the caster, you can manipulate the illusions experienced by each affected creature. While maintaining concentration on this spell, you can use your action on subsequent turns to alter the illusions, either intensifying the experience or shifting its nature.
  Aftereffects: When the spell ends, affected creatures must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or suffer a short-term madness (DM's discretion), as the sudden return to reality can be jarring.
  At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 7th level or higher, you can increase the radius of the spell's effect by 10 feet for each slot level above 6th.
  Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Source: Homebrew

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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