Echo of Ages Spell in Changing Stars | World Anvil

Echo of Ages

Echo of Ages
0-level divination
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (a fragment of an ancient relic and a drop of the caster's own blood)
Duration: Instantaneous

  In the stillness of time, where moments past linger like faint whispers, the Echo of Ages cantrip allows the caster to attune their senses to these subtle reverberations. This spell is not just a mere incantation; it is a communion with the echoes of history, a delicate tuning of the mind to the symphony of yesteryears.

  Upon casting Echo of Ages, the caster momentarily transcends the present, their consciousness brushing against the remnants of sounds that once were. This spell does not bring forth clear voices or distinct words but rather the essence of sounds long faded - a laugh here, a cry there, the clinking of armor or the rustling of leaves, all distant and ethereal.

  The experience is akin to standing in an ancient hall and hearing the echoes of feasts long concluded, or walking through a deserted battlefield, catching the ghostly sounds of clashing swords and battle cries. It's a haunting, poignant reminder of the impermanence of life and the enduring nature of memory.

  Echo of Ages requires an intimate connection with the past. The component—a fragment of an ancient relic—serves as a conduit to the particular era or event the caster seeks to connect with. The blood, meanwhile, is a personal offering, a symbol of the caster's willingness to merge their own life's melody with the grand chorus of history.

  This cantrip finds its true value in the hands of historians, archaeologists, and adventurers seeking to uncover the secrets of forgotten times. It offers no concrete answers but provides a sensory bridge to the past, a fleeting glimpse into the echoes that ripple through the ages.

  As the spell concludes, the echoes fade, and the caster is gently pulled back to the present, the sounds of the past dissipating like morning fog under the warmth of the sun, leaving behind a profound sense of connection to the long-gone but never truly forgotten.

  Classes: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Wizard
Source: Custom Creation

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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