Draconic Whispers Spell in Changing Stars | World Anvil

Draconic Whispers

Draconic Whispers
Level 2 Divination
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (a scale from a dragon and a wisp of smoke)
Duration: 1 minute
  Description: With a low growl and a puff of smoldering breath, you weave threads of draconic magic into the air around you. These threads whisper secrets of the past and whispers of the future, granting fleeting glimpses into the minds and memories of creatures within your range. Choose up to two creatures you can see within range. Each target must make a Constitution saving throw.
  On a failed save: The target's mind momentarily flits open to your draconic gaze. You gain the following insights:
  Echoes of the Past: You see a brief vision of a recent event from the target's perspective, offering clues about their recent actions or motivations.
Flickers of Fate: You receive a fleeting premonition of the target's immediate future, revealing a hint of their possible actions or the potential outcome of their current course.
  On a successful save: The target feels a prickling sense of unease as your magic brushes against their mind, but resists your draconic whispers.
  Bonus Action: On your subsequent turns while concentrating on this spell, you can choose one affected creature and attempt to delve deeper into their thoughts. The creature must make another Constitution saving throw.
  On a failed save: You glean additional information from the vision or premonition you previously received. For past events, you might uncover a hidden detail or motivation. For future glimpses, you may see a more specific outcome or an alternative path depending on their choices.
On a successful save: The target severs your draconic connection, and the spell ends for them.
  At Higher Levels:   3rd Level: The range of the spell increases to 60 feet.
4th Level: You can choose an additional creature to affect with the spell.
5th Level: When you delve deeper into a creature's thoughts, you can also gain a brief insight into their emotional state, such as fear, anger, or confidence.
  Classes: Dragon Knight, Sorcerer (Draconic Bloodline), Wizard (School of Divination)
  Lore: This spell draws upon the ancient knowledge of dragons, their minds said to hold echoes of both ancient wisdom and simmering rage. Draconic Whispers is a tool for those who seek to understand the motivations of their enemies, glimpse the potential outcome of their actions, and gain an edge in the ever-shifting dance of fortune. But be warned, delving into the chaotic minds of these formidable creatures can be as perilous as facing their fiery breath, for their thoughts are often a tempestuous storm of primal instincts and burning memories.
  Notes:   This spell offers a unique blend of divination and strategic information gathering, allowing you to glean clues about the past and potential glimpses of the future.
The risk of failure and the possibility of gaining misleading information add an element of tension and suspense.
The spell's connection to dragons and its thematic elements invite creative roleplaying and can lead to interesting narrative opportunities.

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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