Call of the Wild Spell in Changing Stars | World Anvil

Call of the Wild

Call of the Wild
1st-level enchantment
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self (60-foot radius)
Components: V, S, M (a fragment of a creature's fur or feather)
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

  Call of the Wild is an enchantment spell that resonates with the primal essence of nature, emitting a powerful, unspoken summons to the creatures of the wild. This spell does more than produce sound; it sends forth a wave of primal energy, a call that speaks directly to the instincts and spirits of animals. As you hold the fragment of fur or feather, your own spirit reaches out, connecting with the web of life that binds all creatures of the wild.
  Upon casting Call of the Wild, you become the epicenter of an invisible, yet potent, call that extends outward. The call is not a sound heard by the ears but a feeling that stirs deep within the hearts of animals. It is a beckoning, a gentle tug at the primal instincts that lie dormant in all creatures of nature.
  The effect of the spell is subtle yet powerful. Animals within range feel an inexplicable urge to approach your location. The call is not coercive; it is more akin to an invitation, a whisper of curiosity and kinship that speaks to the inherent bond between all denizens of the wild.
  This spell provides an opportunity for interaction with animals that might otherwise shy away from human contact. Creatures affected by the spell are more inclined to approach, observe, and listen, offering a unique opportunity for communication and understanding. The spell is particularly effective for those seeking to study, protect, or simply connect with the natural world.
  While Call of the Wild does not give you direct control over the animals, it creates an atmosphere of trust and curiosity. The creatures are not compelled to obey, but the spell's influence makes them more receptive to your presence and actions.
  This spell is favored by druids, rangers, and nature enthusiasts. It is a testament to the deep connection that exists between all living things, a reminder of the unspoken language that binds the tapestry of life.
  Classes: Druid, Ranger, Bard
Source: Custom Creation

  Call of the Wild is more than a spell; it is an affirmation of the unity of life, a harmonious link between the caster and the creatures of the earth. In its casting, one finds a bridge between the human and the natural world, a recognition of the shared spirit that flows through every vein of the wild. It is a call that speaks of respect, understanding, and the eternal kinship that exists beneath the surface of all living things.

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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