Berys' Whisperwind Veil Spell in Changing Stars | World Anvil

Berys' Whisperwind Veil

Berys' Whisperwind Veil
1st-level illusion
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Self
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 hour

  Berys' Whisperwind Veil is an enchanting spell that cloaks the caster in a gossamer shroud of near-silence, a magical veil woven from the gentlest breezes and the softest whispers of the wind. When this spell is cast, the air around the caster stirs with a subtle, almost imperceptible movement, as if a breath of air from a distant, serene world has brushed against the fabric of our reality. The caster's movements become hushed, their presence blurred, as if they are but a fleeting shadow or a half-remembered dream.
  Upon casting Berys' Whisperwind Veil, you become enveloped in an ethereal cloak of silence. This cloak is not a physical barrier but a delicate aura of illusion, muffling the sounds of your movements and presence. Your footsteps become as light as a feather falling upon soft grass, your breathing as quiet as the stillness of a calm night, and the rustle of your clothes like the faintest rustling of leaves in a gentle breeze.
  The magic of Berys' Whisperwind Veil grants you advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks for its duration. You move with a grace and quietude that belies the natural world, allowing you to slip past guards, move unseen through enemy territory, or simply travel without disturbing the tranquility of your surroundings.
  While the spell does not render you invisible, it blurs the edges of your form and presence, making you less noticeable and more easily overlooked. You become like a wisp of wind, felt but not seen, a presence sensed but not easily pinpointed.
  However, the spell's protection is delicate and can be broken by sudden, loud actions or spells. Casting another spell, engaging in combat, or any abrupt, noisy activity disrupts the whisperwind's enchantment, causing the veil to dissipate and your presence to become fully detectable once again.
  Berys' Whisperwind Veil is a favorite of scouts, spies, and anyone who values subtlety and discretion over brute force. It is a spell that speaks to the art of moving unseen and unheard, a testament to the power of quietness and the strength found in softness.
  Classes: Bard, Rogue, Ranger
Source: Custom Creation

  Berys' Whisperwind Veil is more than a mere spell of stealth; it is a harmony with the quieter aspects of the world, a dance with the gentle forces of nature. It reminds us that sometimes the softest touch can be more powerful than the mightiest blow, that there is strength in silence, and that in the quietest whispers, one can find profound truths and hidden paths.

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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