Baneful Gaze Spell in Changing Stars | World Anvil

Baneful Gaze

Baneful Gaze
3rd-level enchantment
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (an eye of a hawk preserved in amber)
Duration: 1 minute

  Baneful Gaze is a spell that embodies the ancient and potent power of the gaze, turning the caster's eyes into conduits of fear and dread. This spell goes beyond mere intimidation; it taps into the primordial fear of being watched, hunted, and judged by an unseen force.

  Upon casting, the caster's eyes transform, taking on an inhuman quality. They might become pitch black, glow ominously, or appear to see beyond the physical realm. The target feels an overwhelming sense of being scrutinized by a presence that is both alien and terrifying.

  The target of the gaze, caught in the spell's hold, experiences a deep, instinctual fear. It's as though the very soul of the creature is laid bare, exposed to a judgment that is ancient, cold, and unyielding. The sense of vulnerability is palpable, a primal terror that roots deep into their being.

  On a failed save: The victim is consumed by fear. They are frightened of the caster for the spell's duration, unable to muster the courage to move closer to the source of their dread. Additionally, they suffer disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls as long as the caster remains within their line of sight. The victim's actions become erratic and desperate, driven by the overwhelming desire to escape the oppressive gaze.

  On a successful save: The target resists the full brunt of the spell but cannot shake off the unsettling feeling of being watched. While they manage to hold their ground, the encounter leaves them wary and cautious, their nerves frayed by the brush with such a deep-seated fear.

  Baneful Gaze is more than a spell; it's a psychological weapon, a means of controlling the battlefield not through physical force but through the sheer terror of the caster's presence. It is a favorite among those who understand that sometimes, the most effective way to defeat an enemy is to break their spirit, to instill a fear so profound that it lingers long after the spell has ended.

  Classes: Warlock, Sorcerer, Bard
Source: Custom Creation

  In this expanded description, Baneful Gaze is depicted as a powerful enchantment that taps into the ancient and instinctual fears of being watched and judged. The spell's effects are elaborated to highlight its psychological impact, making it a formidable tool for those who seek to dominate and instill fear through the power of their presence. The narrative intertwines the spell's mechanics with its thematic elements, emphasizing the potency of fear as a weapon in the arsenal of the arcane.

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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