Bane of Silence Spell in Changing Stars | World Anvil

Bane of Silence

Bane of Silence
1st-level illusion
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (a piece of cotton soaked in wax)
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

  Bane of Silence is a spell that weaves an aura of profound stillness, creating a zone where sound ceases to exist. When cast, the spell rips the very essence of noise from the air, leaving behind a vacuum where even the loudest cry is reduced to nothingness. As you articulate the incantation, the air around the chosen point begins to warp, as if reality itself is being muted, and a bubble of silence expands, engulfing the space in its unyielding quiet.
  Upon casting Bane of Silence, you create a spherical zone of silence with a 30-foot radius. Within this bubble, sound is not just dampened; it is utterly nullified. Conversations become silent pantomimes, the clash of swords is rendered into a mute ballet, and even the most subtle whisper is swallowed by the void of silence.
  This absence of sound is not merely a lack of noise; it is a void that seems to pull at the senses. Those within the zone might feel a pressure on their ears, a disconcerting sensation as their bodies adjust to the unnatural stillness. The spell creates a barrier against sound, preventing any noise from entering or leaving the zone. This effect makes it impossible to cast spells that require verbal components and hinders communication, making coordination and strategy challenging for those caught within.
  Bane of Silence can be a powerful tool in the hands of a tactician. It can be used to stealthily infiltrate enemy strongholds, to prevent enemies from communicating, or to create a safe space free from auditory distractions. It is also an effective countermeasure against spells and abilities that rely on sound.
  However, the spell requires concentration to maintain, and its caster must be mindful of its limitations. While it creates a zone of silence, it does not affect other senses. Enemies can still see and feel, making visual and physical cues crucial for communication within the bubble.
  Additionally, the abrupt onset and offset of silence can be disorienting, both for the caster and for those within the zone. The transition from noise to silence and back again can be jarring, a reminder of the fragile nature of our perception of the world.
  Classes: Bard, Wizard, Cleric
Source: Custom Creation

  Bane of Silence is a spell that speaks to the power of quietude, to the strength found in stillness. It is a reminder that sometimes the most profound statements are made not in shouts, but in the hush that falls over a room, in the quiet that speaks louder than words. In the silence crafted by this spell, one finds a respite from the cacophony of the world, a moment of peace amidst the turmoil.

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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