Animate Tool Spell in Changing Stars | World Anvil

Animate Tool

Animate Tool
1st-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a tool)
Duration: 1 hour

  Animate Tool is a transmutation spell that breathes a semblance of life into an inanimate tool, allowing it to perform its designated task with a degree of autonomy. This spell is a harmonious blend of utility and whimsy, turning the ordinary into the extraordinary. As you channel your magic into the tool, it stirs to life, ready to assist in its specific function with a surprising degree of dexterity and purpose.
  Upon casting Animate Tool, you touch a non-magical tool - be it a hammer, a quill, a pair of scissors, or any other implement of trade or craft. The chosen tool quivers with arcane energy, then begins to move of its own accord. The spell imparts to the tool a temporary animation, allowing it to carry out simple tasks as if guided by an unseen hand.
  The animated tool can perform tasks such as hammering nails, cutting cloth, writing, or stirring a pot. Its movements are precise and efficient, mimicking the skill of a proficient user. The tool can follow simple commands given by the caster, such as "hammer these nails," "stir this pot," or "write this note," but it cannot perform tasks requiring complex decision-making or creativity.
  Animate Tool is particularly popular among craftsmen and laborers who appreciate the extra set of hands it provides. It is also a favored spell among those who multitask or need to complete mundane tasks without distraction. For scholars and scribes, an animated quill can transcribe dictated notes or copy texts, while artisans might use it to maintain steady work on a piece.
  The spell lasts for one hour, during which the tool tirelessly performs its function. Once the spell's duration ends, the tool ceases its motion and returns to its inanimate state.
  Classes: Wizard, Bard, Artificer
Source: Custom Creation

  Animate Tool is more than a simple enchantment; it is a celebration of craftsmanship and the joy of creation. It represents a magical understanding of the tools that shape our world, a recognition of the artistry and skill in every crafted object. In the movement of the animated tool, one finds a reflection of the human spirit, a tribute to the diligence and ingenuity that drive innovation and art. The spell is a whimsical reminder of the potential for magic to infuse the everyday with wonder and utility.

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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