Talent: Brawl in Changeling 2512 | World Anvil
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Talent: Brawl

Brawl represents your character's hand-to-hand combat prowess. The simple rule of thumb for Brawl rolls is that they include any type of unarmed combat meant to subdue or damage an opponent. Brawl can include sports such as wrestling, boxing and hockey, but it frequently includes less organized fighting techniques such as punching, kicking, and scratching/clawing. All unarmed martial arts rolls geared towards harming a character also fall under this category.

Ability Level:

0 Abysmal: Class wimp. You probably got picked on a lot as a kid, or you were intentionally given a pacifistic upbringing.
1 Novice: You've thrown a punch once or twice in your life and you know how to use your weight to make it sting.
2 Practiced: You can hold your own in a one-on-one situation. You know how to hold and throw and opponent.
3 Competent: You scrap with others frequently. You may have a dojo membership or take part in an underground fight club.
4 Expert: Most people who have heard of you know better than to issue you a challenge. You could make a living fighting or training other in self-defense.
5 Master: You are an acknowledged master of a fighting are or style. You analyze the techniques of others, and study them intently.

Possessed by:

Military Personnel, Gangstas, Police, Thugs, Assassins, Boxers, Martial Artists, Brujah.
Sample Specialties:   Boxing, Wrestling, Disarming, Dirty Fighting, Kicks, Throws, Self Defense, etc.   Players my choose a specialty at level 4 and a second specialty at level 5.


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