Dream Scaping Spell in Changeling 2512 | World Anvil
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Dream Scaping

A Changeling may enter the realm of the Active Dreaming whenever they go to sleep. Once in the realm of the active dreaming, the Changeling may dream lucidly; constructing whatever they wish and becoming whatever they desire within their own dreams. A Changeling that Dream Scapes for at least 4 consecutive hours awakens with some of their glamour pool replenished (Children age 3-12 gain +5 Glamour points by this process. Teenagers (age 13-19) gain +3 Glamour points, while adults (Over age 20) gain +2 Glamour points). This glamour rejuvenating sleep may be attempted once every 24 hours.   In addition to this rejuvenating process, a Changeling may visit the dreams of other sleeping beings. To visit the dreams of another character, a Changeling must sleep in close proximity with the person they are intending to visit (Typically within a line of sight works best). Once both characters are asleep, the Dream Scaping Changeling must declare that they are terminating their own dream and traveling to the dreams of another. Once their own dream is terminated, the Changeling stops gaining the rejuvenating effects of creating within their own dreams. If the Dream Scaping Changeling is visiting another Changeling, they will need permission to enter the dream. If the Dream Scaping Changeling is visiting a normal human or a supernatural creature without dreaming-based magic powers, the front door of their mind is considered wide open, and the Dream Scaping Changeling may hop in and out of that character’s dreams at their leisure. Once inside another’s dream, the visiting Changeling has no control over the course of the dream unless they use additional powers—as a visitor in the mind of another dreamer, they have lost home field advantage and the power to spontaneously create.


  Cost: None.   Range: Max range for this power is 25 miles of distance between dreamers.   Special: If the Dream Scaping Changeling is attempting to visit the dreams of a person without a line of sight between their sleeping bodies, a Perception + Awareness roll is required to locate the correct dream. (Difficulty = 4 - 10 depending on distance).   Roll: A roll is required only for Changelings attempting to gain permission to enter the dreams of another Changeling. Roll Charisma (for friends) or Manipulation (for strangers) + Persuasion.   Base Difficulty: Either the target character's Difficulty to Enchant (Charisma) or Difficulty to Dominate (Manipulation) rating depending on the method of persuasion used.   Damage: N/A (This power cannot be used to cause direct damage to a target).   Prerequisites: None. This power is innate to all 2512 Changeling Characters.

Changeling Innate Powers

From the moment of their first awakening (Chrysalis) a Changeling has the ability to use the innate powers of Dream Scaping, Enchanting, Invoking the Wyrd, and Geas Binding.


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