Leolen Casilltenirra Character in Cerilia | World Anvil
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Leolen Casilltenirra

Leolen Casilltenirra

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to a family of aristocratic wizards, Leolen was always expected to follow in the family line. He is not good with books however and quickly grew bored and restless growing up. Having grown up with Killi, the pair managed to get up to all sorts of mischief but their quick wit and agility always managed to get them out of trouble when needed. As he got older, his family expected more and more from his magical talents which he couldn't keep up with. He and Killi devised a plan to fake magic using sleight of hand, a bit of performance and the little magic they could rely on. It worked so well, they decided to make a quick buck performing for others. Streetside magic doesn't pay very well however so they decided to loosen some purses while the onlookers were distracted. One of the few spells Leolen had mastered was the find familiar spell, who would sneak around during a performance fetching shinies. As time went by they expanded their cons to all sorts, including weighted dice and marked cards. The name the ones that work well so they can bring them up without anyone being the wiser. One day they pulled a con on a powerful man and were discovered, fearing for their lives and those of their families, the skipped town and haven't looked back since. They jumped from town to town for a while, paying their way with their "work" until they eventually landed on (starting town) and decided to settle. They forged some documents to get in with high society and earn their living any way they can.


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