Shadower Rank/Title in Central Haven | World Anvil
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With in the Shade organization Shadower highest rank. Shadower is the leader in charge off all the Shade groups on all continents. There are two ways that this position is filled is either by family or working their way up. The Shadower puts it in writing as to when they die who replaces them. A few of the spouse of the Shadower takes over if children are to young and are strong enough. When the replacement is no longer available the council right below the Shadower choses a new Shadower. Many Shadowers have written down in a code their line of succession. Rare are the times that the shade council steps in to chose a new Shadower. There has been a few times the children have not known about their parent’s involvement so are passed over. Mostly because the Shadower doesn’t want to involve their children and move it on to someone else they trust. Some children have found out and have taken over. This is done with the involvement of the council and slyness of the child. Once a new Shadower is chosen each Shade faction sends a token in recognition of the new Shadower. Shadower organizes the simi-annual meeting between all the Shade groups. They can order groups to do certain things and helps run communications between groups. When one group gets way out of hand they knock them back down. They help with the combining of groups and keeps the violence down. They really only step in when an all out war is the outcome and wouldn’t be helpful to their business or trades. The Shadower lives in around Dewwell and sometimes holds a small job. They have also been known to be farmers, or breeders of different pets A lot of people know that the Shade runs most operations thru Dewwell but can’t find them.
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