Yorgen (War in the Afterlife) Character in Celdaro | World Anvil
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Yorgen (War in the Afterlife)

Yorgen Shavall

After his many years of unrelenting service to the people of Lorstan, Yorgen accepted the offer to join the Agents of Heaven. He used the vast resources of The Divine Host to study and train himself even further to prepare for an even longer duty for the collective of all human souls.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Specialized Equipment

Mental characteristics


Former heir to House Shavall, former Dynast of Lorstan, and now an Agent of Heaven

Morality & Philosophy

As a scion of the Kingdom of Lorstan, Yorgen always believed in human virtue and potential. It didn't take much explaining to bring him on board to protect the eternal souls at stake against the machinations of The Blackened Horde. Though he has some reservations about saving and protecting the souls of Elf kind, he is willing to let that struggle remain among the living.


Family Ties

Ancestor of [Kessimyr.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Learn the layout of the keep, then return here once finished. Many souls must be reclaimed by our hands and now that you're by our side, it is possible." - Yorgen speaking to the new Agents of Heaven
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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