Four Character in Celdaro | World Anvil
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Four Sargol Grim

An outcast among the forces of The Blackened Horde, Four has some history with the newest members of the Agents of Heaven. He was the original wielder of Necrologue and his defeat by the hands of [Kelveross and [Caliorga brought much scrutiny, scorn, and shame upon him. After returning from a long exile, Sargol has certainly increased in power and seeks to clear his shame by reclaiming Necrologue and slaying mighty foes in the process.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Sargol's sclera is black and his iris is white, a side effect from the exile, and punishment he endured after his failure.

Mental characteristics

Personality Characteristics


Four was entrusted with Necrologue when it was first being tested, but was defeated by [Kelveross and [Caliorga on his first expedition. He lost Necrologue in the process and though he returned alive, he was branded a coward, a failure, and a myriad of other insulting titles.

Virtues & Personality perks

Sargol is nothing if not persistent. He had the will to endure nigh unending ridicule, shame, and punishment in order to properly prove everyone wrong and take back his pride.


Contacts & Relations

Sargol generally does not get along with any of the other members of the Fatal Five

Family Ties

Younger brother of Halphas
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Four, Vengeful Spectre
Black sclera with white Iris
Quotes & Catchphrases
"So you're the brat that ended up with Necrologue. I had someone a little more battle hungry in mind. It won't matter though. Soon you'll just be a stain on my blade." - Four speaking to Yorroving
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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