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4255, P.C.

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The name of the world has been called, Earth, Terra, The Cage, or Celasper, depending on who’s asking. From a cosmological level, the earliest reference for a name of the planet itself comes from the celestial Upra, referring to the earth in relation to a planar battle against the forces of chaos. It is this name that is used within the chronicles of Dis for the usage of planar mapping, which in turn spread to the most of the outer planes for the use of their own dealings and negotiations. While the name of “Earth” is still commonplace, the name Celasper, translating to “the cage is hope”, or sometimes “hope lies with the cage”, is used in official documentation. For people on the material plane however, this name is not commonly used or even known about except to those in certain magical or divine circles. For the bulk of the population on a day to day basis, the common form “Earth” is typically used, or even more commonly, the name of their country or continent.   The nature of disagreement over even the name of the material plane helps to undermine a core problem affecting the world as a whole, the nations, the continents, the peoples are divided, and in division, catastrophe is the rule, not the exception.   The continents of the world have faced seven different ages of political, geological, and spiritual upheaval. With each age, the world has rebuilt, slower and more uncertain than the age before it. Empires decline, trust dwindles. Without incredible effort to change the course of history, the world may be coming to an end. Thankfully, some resist the tide of fate and become heroes. It is for them we tell the stories.

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