House Zenderholm Organization in Celasper | World Anvil
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House Zenderholm

Lord Lacertus Zenderholm brought his family to Korvosa at the tail-end of the great influx of Bengion immigrants. He took advantage of the generous offers put forth by House Viamio, despite his long-standing hatred of Lord Amycus Viamio. When the Cousins’ War broke out, Lord Zenderholm was among the first to declare his loyalty to Sardis.   He personally headed his own private army in support of the Korvosan Guard, which led to his death in the last weeks of the conflict. His daughter, Lady Mulsanne Zenderholm, then took control of the house and leveraged her father’s loyalty and bravery into political power within the town. Only 30 years after its arrival within Korvosa, House Zenderholm displaced House Fordyce as a Great House, making it the first of that title to not also be a Dock Family. Today, House Zenderholm members serve the city as arbiters, magistrates, lawyers, and diplomats.
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