House Leroung Organization in Celasper | World Anvil
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House Leroung

Even before Jessa Leroung founded the University of Korvosa, the ancient and esteemed House Leroung served Bengion as teachers, instructors, professors, scholars, and sages. To this day, House Leroung maintains extensive libraries in the three largest cities of Bengion and controls both the University of Nova Creo Emerita in Bengion and Almas University in New Allons (where the family’s noble standing is no longer recognized but its contributions to academia are).    The family’s fortunes and powers have fluctuated little since its founding, and, although many of the younger nobles of the family gladly wade into the dirty politics of court life, the lord or lady of House Leroung rarely bothers with such things. Indeed, lovely Lady Eliasia Leroung, current headmistress of the University of Korvosa, is considered an ally by most other noble houses, including those at odds with one another.
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