Libria Settlement in Celadia | World Anvil
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Less of a city and more a collection of towns, however the town surrounding the blessed tree of Istria is considered to be Libria proper. This is a beautiful area with lush farmands with snow capped mountains in the background, it is responsible for much of the food in Libria and other countries.


The majority is halfling farmers, however a few other races are found here.


The settlement is very spaced apart, consisting of farms for the most part. The main part of the settlement is built around a hill with a holy tree at its top. There are also docks on the great lake responsible for shipping out produce to primarily Seldonia.


Long rolling hills and green meadows, believed to be one of the most beautiful sights in Celadia.

Natural Resources

Due to the blessed nature of the land around the town, food grows much more fresh and far faster. This has given the area a great reputation with certain fruits and meats being highly sought after.
About 50,000 including surrounding areas
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization
Related Professions

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