Dote Ethnicity in Casus Simtura | World Anvil
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The Dote elves embody the classic idea of the forest elves, living in settlements often hidden in deep forests. The Dote generally have copper colored skin with green, brown, or hazel eyes. Hair colors among the Dote range from black and brown to blond and copper red. The Dote prefer simple garbs in natural tones that blend well into their forest homes.    The Dote elves follow the teachings of their god Olodu the great spirit of the forest. They believe Olodu is a personification of their ideal heaven, a never ending forest filled with great fruits, berries, and game. Though Olodu is often referenced in most elven daily life they do not directly pray or build shrines to Olodu instead offering thanks and prayer through action. Most prayers of the Dote are said to the goddess Osun the "great-mother". Osun is the goddess of sensuality, beauty and gracefulness, symbolizing both the elven search for clarity and a flowing motion. She is often worshipped through dance and song held near important springs or small lagoons which she is said to embody.
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